Fyrinnae Velvet Vampire Look

Remember the other day when I said that Fyrinnae's Velvet Vampire was a must have? I meant it. It is one of the greatest eyeshadows I've ever seen. It's a burgundy based duochrome; if it were a nail polish I'd call it a glass fleck. It has little pearls of iridescent crystal-like shimmer that shift colors and sparkle even in really low light. I did this look with it the other day and I couldn't get over how amazing Velvet Vampire looked. I wore Kat Von D Lightning Sheer Lipgloss in Stormy (smoky red shimmer) with it, but my pictures of that didn't turn out. My lip pictures never turn out... But anyway, I took a bunch of pictures of the eyeshadow. Gah, I love it so much.

Natural light:


This was:
Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Fyrinnae Velvet Vampire applied wet on lid
The black half of the Hourglass Prism duo in crease and lower lashline
MAC Reflects Blackened Red glitter on top of the black in the crease
Fyrinnae Cheeky to highlight
Black liquid liner (I don't remember which one I used)
Cover Girl Lash Blast

I know I didn't capture the full beauty of this color, but you can at least get an idea of how it looks. It shifts colors when you blink! It's so sparkly and sexy and vampy, it really does look like velvet. I couldn't have picked a more perfect name for this color myself.

On a sidenote, Cheeky is my new favorite highlight color. I'm going to have to order a full size soon. It's close to the color I would normally use on my browbone, but it's special 'cause it has a hint of red shimmer to it. Subtle, but really special. Makes a nice neutral lid color, too.

Fireball Rifter Squadron (part I)

Five Glorious Rifters named Fireball. Five hastily put together dual-repping Rifters made up from the most part, bits of spare loot and reconditioned parts-bin modules that some second-rate repair man has soldered back together with his magic plasma soldering wand. Five platinum insurance deals to make for one happy insurance broker.

I fully expect these Rifters to die a glorious death, each and every one of them will be ripped into fragments of rust and heat, warped metal that would no longer resemble the ship it once was. I just hope that I can drag a few ships down into the junk yard with me as we go kicking and screaming, hulls on fire. No holds barred.

I had hoped that this experiment wouldn't take too long, I wanted to undock, get into fights and then write about my adventures and failings. It didn't quite work out that way and I will be splitting the stories into 5 separate posts. For the most part of two hours I sat in asteroid belts, watched as people warped in at range and then warped off. I chased down targets in belts that ran off and basically got quite frustrated at the lack of action I had in the hours I was out in space.

A tasty looking Thrasher and a Rifter that were still with their original owners names plastered across their hulls encouraged me to pop a Standard Exile as I warped in head first, reppers overheated, guns warming nicely ready for the onslaught. On landing at the belt the two ships were already in warp out of there, I caught a glance of them heading off to the high-sec out-gate. No fun to be had here and as I regained my senses from the sudden rush of the booster that I had just injected into my brain, I realised that I had took a tracking penalty for my troubles, lame.

Over in Gulmorogod I chanced upon a Jaguar pilot ratting in one of the belts, there were a good five or six in local but I decided on blasting on in and introducing myself in the only way I knew how - pleased to meet you sir, here's a 200mm autocannon, take that- bam (the rush from the booster had hazed my thoughts somewhat). I landed right on top of the Jaguar and began taking chunks out of his shield. I say chunks, but really I mean little nibbles - like a mouse nibbling on a block of cheese that was a bit too big for it perhaps.

I was trying to keep some range the best I could, after all this tracking penalty wasn't ideal. It seemed like my own shields disappeared in an instant as my overheated dual reppers kicked into life as hot as hell nano-assemblers raced to patch up the holes that were fast appearing in my ships armour. Slowly bits of shield from the Jaguar began to weaken, very slowly, but the incoming damage was being tanked quite well. As my capacitor reserves dropped to almost empty I fired up my capacitor booster and injected some much needed life into the heart of my ship and then I began the rep cycles again, the reppers now in full flow with not much time in between to rest. I was now confident that careful capacitor, range and overheat management would bring this Jaguar to its knees. I was wrong . . . . .

Right on top of me landed an Enyo, a mate of the Jaguar pilot perhaps? Most certainly a party pooper! The Enyo took a dislike to my frigate and as blaster fire rained in on the now damaged hull my reppers just couldn't cope with the multiple damage and it was a quick death for Fireball 1. A last glance at the Jaguar saw it just enter armour, if it wasn't for the Enyo I was pretty sure it would have resulted in a victory.  It would have been a close call, for sure.

In the ensuing mayhem my escape systems decided to freeze and my low-grade snake powered clone was fried to a pulp in the harsh blackness of space. As I woke in the medical centre in Molden Heath I swilled on the cup of water by the side of my cloning table, jumped up, shrugged and made my way over to my lockers where I had a new pair of black aviator shades waiting for me.


Number of Ships Killed - 0
Number of pills popped - 1
Penalties from drug use - 1 (tracking)
Headaches Induced - 1
Number of ships that ran away - Lost count.
Expensive clones lost - 1
Ship Lifespan - approx 2 hours.
Number of Exotic Dancers Killed - 1
Number of Exotic Dancers Escaped - 1 (missing in action)
Tins of Long-Limb Roes Lost - Epic proportions, the wealthy elite express anger and outrage at the waste.

Here's hoping for more luck in part II. Stay tuned.


OPI Black Shatter over Color Club Jackie OH!

Another layering combination with OPI Black Shatter that I really liked.

OPI Black Shatter over Color Club Jackie OH!. I love the combination of the neon with the black on top, it makes the neon look so much brighter. This reminds me of lava. If you have a neon pink or orange, you have to try this, it looks so cool in real life. I've noticed that my Black Shatter always crackles into vertical stripes... that's odd. I want some more random square chunks to happen when it crackles... The kind that make it look like a giraffe pattern... How do I get it to do that?

Oot n' aboot

That's it that's all ... I's outta here!
Destination 1: Antwerpen...

Catch ya on the other side!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

OMG like !

So yeah!

Thought I was done with this tattooing thing for a while but guess what!? I wasn't actually !!! But wait ... There's more!!
Today was a very interesting day to say the least !! A great last day spent hanging with my BFF home-crew at the shop but with a little extra!!

I finally got my awesome Dansk tattoo!!! Something to mark and remember my time here from and well, I have spent quite a bit of time up here so ... More like an homage to the Danish part of my life if you will! A little something for me from Copenhagen! And well ... I'm not too proud to say it but it's true ... I hadn't been tattooed for 7 years!! W W What? Yep! So here's my latest sweet tat ... After 7 years of abstinence ...

From the Uncle man >>>

No matter how long it takes ... He will wait for it!

-Awesome! But then there's more! Since the needles were out (and also since we've been talking about this for like forever) we all went ahead and got ourselves some sweet crew tats too!!!

WOTW For Life !!!

Not only is this sweet design (yes my design) worth writing home about, since we were all trippin' and stuff ... I went crazy (loco) and used a stencil for both these little dudes!! That's right! It had been 12 years since I last touched the purple paper but nothing's too good for these two (and we wanted all the same since the design was so freakin' sweet)!!!
So yeah

-Pew pew pew!!!

More news about me leaving the rainy island kingdom of Denmarkia tomorrow!! Until then ... Go check out the factual facts of this Conspiracy day*

*All factual facts, yes, except for that video!!! Taken completely out of context!!! Don't believe it!!!!! Don't !!!!

OPI Black Shatter over Nicole My Lifesaver

The full manicure picture of this didn't turn out, but I wanted to post this cause I liked the combination so much:

OPI Black Shatter over Nicole My Lifesaver. Washed out (and my skin looks weirdly red) because of the flash, but this is really more about the Shatter than the base color. Look how perfectly it crackled! I love this stuff so much. It's so much better than the old crackle polishes. It crackles so quickly and doesn't take an hour to remove.

I also think it's quite funny that I'm wearing a Katy Perry nail polish over a Justin Bieber nail polish. Two musicians that I know next to nothing about and would rather eat my mother-in-law's turkey lasagna than listen to even one their songs.... Yet here they are on my nails, their colors joined together in perfect harmony and greatly admired by me.

But, yeah, I really love this combination. Nice contrast between light base color and black crackle effect.

Burzum - Fallen (2011)

I may like this one better than Belus. Ill know for sure after a few more rotations. Grab this a few months early. Possibly might get taken down.

credits to Wayne Ballard.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bloodstained Claw

Hadozeko Solar System.
Tiat Constellation.

The routine journey back to Molden Heath was interrupted as a Catalyst destroyer briefly blipped onto the directional scanner before disappearing out of sight. I had just enough time to notice that the ship had indeed not been renamed and was displaying the name of its pilot for all to see. As I engaged my warp thrusters and made my way to the centre of the system I ran a quick check through the local solar system data.

Three pilots all belonging to the same corporation, the destroyer pilot was only a couple of weeks into his life as a capsuleer - the other two, not so young. I ran another directional scan and my attention was diverted to a nearby asteroid belt.

Catalyst - Stabber - Cyclone at 5 degrees.

The adrenaline flow that comes before every fight seemed to kick into overdrive right about now, the data in my head that I was streaming, sifting, sorting, flowed into my veins and mixed with the endorphins coursing through me. The buzz was present more so than any other recent fight I could remember and it hadn't even started yet!

As my warp engines powered down and I landed in the asteroids I immediately locked up the Catalyst and began to take damage from the Cyclone and the Stabber as I manoeuvred my nimble frigate into a comfortable range. The Catalyst went down without much fight and I switched my attention to the Stabber. The cruiser was buckling as my autocannons ripped into its shields and armour, at the same time it became clear that I too was now taking some heavy damage. Alarms began shrieking loudly as bits of interceptor hull began to melt and fold under the weight of the incoming fire and the flight of drones that I was desperately trying to shake off.

I burnt away to re-assess the situation, streaking away in the blue-grey skies like a dart, still spitting ammunition at the Stabber which was now also in hull, hoping that it would give up the fight. Then the drones came again and I made the decision to get out, my overheated guns straining under the pressure of the injected heat flow to them, the coolant desperately trying to hold back an impending module failure.

As my ship kicked into life and left the field my whole body shook with intensity as the hormones began to settle again and I took a deep mouthful of pod fluid that went straight down into my lungs. My ship was on fire as I sat in a safe spot with my GCC.


Evaluating the engagement whilst docked up for repairs it is clear that the killmail generated perhaps does not tell the true story of the fight. The adrenaline flow was intense, evading drone fire and trying to finish off the Stabber before my own ship exploded all the time trying to carefully manage range and over-heated modules. Great fights like this don't come along all too often and when you do get them it is best to saviour the moment.



Fusion Beauty Limited Edition Objects of Desire Lip Infatuation Set

I've mentioned before how much I adore LipFusion, so I thought I'd review this set I bought a while back. I'm really skeptical about most product claims (like lip plumping or lash growth) yet I still feel compelled to try things that claim to enhance your _____ (fill in the blank: lips, skin, lashes, hair...). LipFusion is one of the few things that actually does what it says it does. It's not dramatic, it doesn't compare to plastic surgery, but I actually see and feel a difference and that's what matters to me and why I continue to buy it. Anyway, when I saw this new InFATuation formula from LipFusion I really wanted to try it. I covered it briefly in this review, but this set deserves its own post.

It comes in one of the prettiest boxes I've ever seen:

With flash and without. It has a black front with silver sides and the text is embossed in silver metallic. I know it's just a cardboard box, but it's just TOO PRETTY. Check out the detail on the side of the box:

I like pretty packaging. It's obvious that a lot of thought went into this packaging design; it really embodies the 'Objects of Desire' title on the box. It looks enticing and luxurious. Really, if you saw this on a shelf in a store, wouldn't you want to pick it up and take a closer look at it?

It comes with mini tubes in four shades of LipFusion InFATuation:

First Crush, Screen Siren, Angelic and Lollipop.

Left to right:
First Crush, a light chocolate brown nude creme
Screen Siren, a bright red creme
Angelic, a pink based warm nude shimmer
Lollipop, a hot pink/fuchsia shimmer

As you can probably tell by the swatches, they're extremely opaque. It's definitely a full coverage gloss. They're so pigmented, they're almost on par with OCC Lip Tars. You will only need a tiny bit to cover your lips- what's on the wand will be more than enough for complete opacity and coverage. It's rare to find a gloss with this much pigmentation, it's almost like a lipstick, but it's smooth, liquid and glossy.

The scent is the same as normal LipFusion; a slight menthol-tinged sweet citrus scent. They taste sweet also. That's a bonus for me! Sweet and not really minty tasting.

The texture is thick, smooth and only just barely sticky. It's one of the least sticky glosses I've used, but it's not entirely slick. It has a really great texture, in my opinion. It feels thick and protective but not too heavy. It lasts a very long time on the lips as well, you can easily go several hours without having to touch up and the darker shades leave a nice stain after they've worn away.

As for the plumping, I'm still undecided on it. It doesn't give me that slightly numb, fat lip feeling that regular LipFusion does. Instead, it has a cold tingle much like Bare Escentuals Buxom Lips. I don't notice much of a plumping effect, but if it's anything like the regular one, it will take a couple weeks of use before I see the full effect. And, since I'm currently still using regular LipFusion, I'm not sure if I'd be able to tell anyway! But, whether or not it provides a much plumping as the other formula, it's still a good gloss.

The only downside for me is that I can't wear the two nude shades. Since they're so opaque, they completely erase my lips. The shades are too brownish and foundation-like for my skintone. I'm fair and with pretty pigmented lips, so it's no surprise that I can't pull off these colors. Nudes and pale shades rarely, if ever, work on me. The two in this kit would look great on someone with a really dark skintone or possible someone even fairer than me where the colors would create contrast instead of just blending in.

The other two shades, Screen Siren and Lollipop, are great. The colors work with my skin and they're nice and bright. They are very. very. very. colorful. No joke. Super opaque bright color. Extremely bold.

I'm going to continue using these and see if I notice any lip enhancement from them, but so far I can't really tell! It's supposed to increase body fat where you apply it. That sounds... bizarre. Here's the info on the InFATuation formula from Sephora.com:

LipFusion Infatuation

What it is:

A shining, liquid, multi-action lip fattener.

What it is formulated to do:
Discover the first liquid lip color with extraordinary Amplifat™ technology to increase and maintain body fat just where you need it most!

What it is formulated WITHOUT:
- Parabens

What else you need to know:
This groundbreaking plumper boosts natural lip fat without surgery or injections. It does not contain irritants or silicone.

-AmpliFat™ Concentrate (Perennial Sea Fern Derivative): Works with the skin's triggers to increase two key, naturally occurring proteins (ADFP and FABP5) that induce diffusion and storage of fatty acids.
-Lip Vantage: Creates instant and sustained plumping effects using dual-encapsulated plumping technology; promotes cellular renewal for a more youthful-looking pout.
-Peptides: Enhance collagen synthesis for naturally lush, youthful, healthy lips.
-Dehydrated Marine Collagen Filling Spheres: Penetrate skin's surface on contact, then seek out body's natural water, and rehydrate to instantly plump and smooth lips.

All shades contain:
Polybutane, Hydrogenated Polydecene, Hydrogenated Styrene/Isoprene Copolymer, Octyldodecanol, Methyl Diisopropyl Propionamide, Ethyl Methane Carboximide, Menthyl Lactate, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Tribehenin, Sorbitan Isostearate , Lauryl Laurate, Zea Mais (Corn) Starch, Hydrolyzed Corn Starch, Hydrolyzed Corn Starch Octenylsuccinate, Silica Dimethyl Silylate, Butylene Glycol, Gamma Aminobutyric Acid, Sodium Chonodroitin Sulfate, Atelocollagen, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Dictyopteris Membraneacea Extract, Flavor (aroma), Phenoxyethanol, Glyceryl Behenate/Eicosadioate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Methol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-Di-T-Butyl, Hydroxyhydrocinnamate, Sodium Saccharin, Tocopherol, Limonene, Linalool, Citral.

So... if I put it on my boobs, will it store more fat there and make them bigger?! Actually, no, I don't think I want that, but think of the possibilities! O_O

I got mine from Sephora
for $29, which is reasonable because one full size (0.19 oz) is $29 and there are four .09oz glosses in this set. I like being able to try a variety of colors in smaller sizes more than buying full sizes.

But I'm curious, am I the only one who uses this stuff? I want to hear your experience with it, if you've ever used it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Iron Age- Coming Down (2005)

This was the b-side on their long-since OOP "Butcher's Bill" 7-inch that was the teaser for the Constant Struggle LP back in 2005. Pretty consistent with the other tracks on there, but it may be a rare find to some of you or if you're one of the lucky ones who picked up a copy when you could and just want a digital version of the song.


Peace and Love Nail Kit from TJ Maxx!

Back in December, while I was out Christmas shopping, I stumbled across this little set at TJ Maxx:

Yeah... it looks pretty dorky. That's why I initially didn't grab it off the shelf. But then the light hit it just right and I noticed something sparkly inside...

Oooooh! A light purple toned holo glitter!

There's a few really nice colors in the set, and it was only $7, so not a bad deal.

All of the best colors are in the top row. A sheer green/gold/red duochrome that's the most amazing thing ever, a fine silver glitter, a sheer glass fleck blue/purple/grey duochrome sparkle and a black/silver sparkly color.

The bottom row has a sorta ugly warm brown shimmer, a purple holo glitter, a hot pink shimmer and a purple shimmer. There's also some purple press-on nails, purple toe separators with peace signs and some little stick on nail gems.

Man, look at these, they're so hot:

It's a little hard to tell in this picture, but it's a bit like OPI Fireflies. It's very sheer and it looks white, but at one angle it's a crazy strong green and gold and at another angle it's red and orange. I can't get over this. I love it SO MUCH.

Here's the periwinkle-slate-lavender-purple-grey whatever duochrome shimmer. Again, hard to tell how sparkly and pretty it is in the picture, but it's gorgeous in real life.

Plus, they're made in China and smell like crazy awesome chemicals, hooray!

I love stumbling across random unexpected inexpensive gems like this.