Sunday, January 30, 2011

OMG like !

So yeah!

Thought I was done with this tattooing thing for a while but guess what!? I wasn't actually !!! But wait ... There's more!!
Today was a very interesting day to say the least !! A great last day spent hanging with my BFF home-crew at the shop but with a little extra!!

I finally got my awesome Dansk tattoo!!! Something to mark and remember my time here from and well, I have spent quite a bit of time up here so ... More like an homage to the Danish part of my life if you will! A little something for me from Copenhagen! And well ... I'm not too proud to say it but it's true ... I hadn't been tattooed for 7 years!! W W What? Yep! So here's my latest sweet tat ... After 7 years of abstinence ...

From the Uncle man >>>

No matter how long it takes ... He will wait for it!

-Awesome! But then there's more! Since the needles were out (and also since we've been talking about this for like forever) we all went ahead and got ourselves some sweet crew tats too!!!

WOTW For Life !!!

Not only is this sweet design (yes my design) worth writing home about, since we were all trippin' and stuff ... I went crazy (loco) and used a stencil for both these little dudes!! That's right! It had been 12 years since I last touched the purple paper but nothing's too good for these two (and we wanted all the same since the design was so freakin' sweet)!!!
So yeah

-Pew pew pew!!!

More news about me leaving the rainy island kingdom of Denmarkia tomorrow!! Until then ... Go check out the factual facts of this Conspiracy day*

*All factual facts, yes, except for that video!!! Taken completely out of context!!! Don't believe it!!!!! Don't !!!!

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