Wednesday, January 5, 2011

But of course

What up?!?

Been a long day ... A long few days actually but today's all about only today, right? Good! So yeah ... Zzzzzaaapping them down one by one until exhaustion! Today's a double sleeve day and unlike the last few days, I've managed to take a picture or two for you guys!! Now you might have seen these before here on the Plog, they're both a few years old and as much as they are both absolutely done done ... These aren't the final shots, I'm afraid! This is just the best I could do at the end of both sessions and well ... It'll have to do! So if you can forgive the half healed half fresh bloody glary shots, Here's what it all looked like today!

Hollywood sleeve

Materialist sleeve

Double waaaaaammo !

More tomorrow absolutely !!

Until then ... Here's a super flick my homegirl, the very very talented miss Jo Tam from the HK just made and decided to share with me this morning!! Check it out she rocks >>>>>


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