Monday, January 17, 2011

Drumroll ...

... Tada !! Here I am!

Sorry for the Ploglessness of the last few days but yeah ... You've guessed it! No time for anything in these last days of mental meltdown tattoo madness!

Here's, for your visual pleasure, a quick recap of the last few days' day's doings >>>>

Friday's day's doings ... Finished the Kitchen sleeve! Not the best pictures since it's all half fresh and half healed but I'm quite sure you get the main idea!!

Saturday's day's doings ... Finished the Rapunzel sleeve! Same same with the not perfect shots ...

And Sunday's day's doings ... Finished the top part of the circus freak sleeve with the crowd and all ...

More of these next week all week and I'll do my very best to try to have these pieces come up regularly too ... Promise promise!!

Last week of tattoo madness, ladies and gentlemen of the Plog !!!!! Can't wait for this very long overdue mega tattoo break, let me tell ya !!!!!

Still bored ? Still got time to lose on this internet thing ?? Go check out the ANCOM in a few minutes!! Just found a few minutes to post a new series from Scotland this time! BLOOD FOREST !!! Not for the faint hearted !

Later skippers !

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