Thursday, March 31, 2011

The long way part last

On the move already!! 2 months of super covert mysterious operations have come and gone and 9 months on the road have already vaporized! Heart of Darkness, as you might have guessed is a complete success! Am now getting ready to skip town and return to Hong Kong, leaving Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Africa in a few hours! As wonderful as this trip was... I just can't wait to get back to my beloved HK! 9 months is a long time! And well +40 Celsius with 200% humidity is getting heavy!

I'll be arriving back in China on Friday afternoon and I'll Plog as soon as I can!

Until then... Check this sweet article I just stumbled on last night... Not only because they talk about me, mind you, but this Needles and sins tattoo blog is a pretty cool blog for those of you who're still into that tattoo thing!! Check it out when you get a chance!!

Ok ... I'm out! Making my way through the Arab Spring... Next stop Doha!

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