Making Goals

In Habakkuk 2, the Bible says "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it."  That's what I am doing.  Making the vision I have, the goals and dreams plain by writing them down so that I may see them come to pass.

So far my goals with re:Birth  are get through first and second photo shoot this weekend.  Plan a 3rd and 4th one.  Grand opening of online store June 25th.  There are a million little details in between but that is the gist of it.  Sounds good :)

It's much easier to conquer your goals if you have them written down.  Otherwise your goals just remain dreams that you cannot wrap your mind around, then you never do anything to make them happen.  One thing I have heard that I love is that you should do at least one thing each day to contribute to your goal.  It might be a doodle in a sketch pad, putting a dollar in a savings jar, following up on a contact.  DO SOMETHING and you will be one step closer to seeing your dream come true.

Nathan Rocky Photography

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