Friday, May 27, 2011

What I Wore and Other Randomness

Last night was "Mom's Night Out" for our home school group.  What a wonderful group of women to share the evening with.  We laughed so hard at each other's stories!  It's so encouraging to know that no one else's life is perfect either!  This is what I wore:

                                                                                   Okay, so I know I need to work on my pose...

The entire outfit is thrifted and the shoes are Candies Brand regularly $65, got them for $12 (on clearance and $10 Kohl's cash)!  That kinda stuff makes me happy :)

Also, tomorrow is my first photo shoot for my re:Birth clothing line!  I.CANT.WAIT!!!!!!!!!  I have a few things to wrap up today to be ready for tomorrow, but only after Kung Fu Panda 2 :).  When you are a mom of 4, things excite you that don't excite other (more normal) adults.
I took this pic of my back yard, it is where we will be shooting tomorrow.  I just love it back there, it is very ethereal.  I am constantly waiting for fairies to move in.

                                                                                                           Until tomorrow....................

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