Friday, June 12, 2009


Yesterday's news today [part deux] ! ... (Well more like last Wednesday's news actually)

Ok ok ok ... Let's get this show on the road already !!!

Got myself 5 posts worth of tattoos and news all saved up and no time to post them in !! Been quite crazy hectic lately and ... Yes ... I have had no other choice but to bend space and time itself to be able to Plog a bit tonight !! So ... Am truly sorry if your TV blew up or your memories have been partially erased by the enormous electromagnetic field unleashed by the said procedure , I just really had to blog !! I'll try not to do it too often !!!

Here goes Wednesday's workings !!! A new piece was started ... Kinda like if Shanghai or HK had a little Denmarktown !! A stretch of the famous Nansensgade street with a sky reaching megapolis as a backdrop !! And yes ... A couple of spies in the city too !!! Here ya go !

More on this one in September when we get to start some colour action !!! Def. most of it will be dirty-olive-green with some Pink here and there !! Kinda like the pink cat factory !!!

Keep an eye out !!

Also in Wednesday's news >>>>>>

Behold the magnitude and total awesomeness !!

Now , the Conspiracy is finally complete and fully Barista functional !!! Have already started measuring for a tube line from the Barista to my station in the back for direct infusions ! Saves time !

More more more soon !! (Promise) Don't wanna give it all up at once but also in a hurry to catch up , so might be more than one Plog a day in the days to come !!

Oh ! And since everybody seems to like these pieces so much ... Here's another one !


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