Saturday, June 13, 2009

C C Catching up !

Right on right on ... This never ending week just finally ended about 10 minutes ago !! Now ... The time to have a pint and contemplate the week's done deeds !!

Yesterday's news today [part tres] ... ! (More like Thursday's news actually , but who's counting ?)

So with no further delay ... Here we go ! This last Thursday's tat-action-reaction was good and plenty (sorry ... Have been listening to all of the Beastie Boys albums on shuffle all week ... Might be a few of their lines popping up randomly) ! First things first , these two pieces dropped by for some touch-up action ! Forgive the not so great shots , tattoos that are half fresh and half healed are hard to shoot !! Here's part one of the said day ! Boooya !

Birds is a happy !!

Squid should be too !

A few hours worth ... A tad bit here and a tad bit there !! Before you know it ... You're all good to go ! Nice ! ... NEXT !

Number two >>>>> Damsel in distress indeed ! 3 hours worth for the fancy shmancy dress and the said chick ! Have a look at this ever brightening piece !! Happy that part got done , it was starting to itch !

She's gonna have a hard time getting out of that mess !!!

What's another word for pirate treasure ?? Why I think it booty ... Booty ... B b booty

Stay tuned for some double Plog action tomorrow with more of those t t tattoos ... Lots to catch up ! Now , however , I believe it's time to get ill !

Rock !

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