Sunday, June 14, 2009

NOW - Get busy !

Yesterday's news today [part quattro] ... (Friday at the shop)

2 more tat-related businesses in the house , last Friday ! First , straight down from Oslo , the cannibal horror island piece , aka the dreadful end to the many adventures of Bib and Klein (Just came up with those names !! I know they rock) ! Once again ... Not the best shots ever !! Half healed and half fresh + We had done all of the black last time so we covered it all with some crazy colours on this last session >>> Therefore , the black looks grounded and the piece way too colourful !! So keep an eye out on this island piece in the months to come for shots of this colour all healed and the black back out again !!! Here's a bunch of close-ups I managed for your eyes to see !!

Rock !!

Number 2 >>>>> A long awaited final photo shoot of the very anticipated robo-lab/skank-nurse wonder sleeve : Wookiee's pride !!! With no further delay ... Another sleeve in the bank ! Behold !

Marvelous !!! Pure AAAaaawesome !

More later while I try to get done with this catching up thing !! Till then ...

... ROCK !

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