Sunday, August 9, 2009

Coffee and sketchbooks !

Doodle-o-matic action !!

Some of the last few days's SF doodle action !! >>>>

Here are a few of the last few days doodles ... Been busy as you can see !! Lots more to show but I figured I should save some for the next few posts ... Just too much for you guys to handle ... Yeah ! mhm ... !

Lots of houses , pretty San Francisco houses and ... And some chicks !! What do you know !?!? Chicks in my sketchbook ?? That'll be a first !! Why not ... Right ! Enjoy >>>>

More soon !!
Tonight ? ... Hang out at pubs night with miss Amanda and some other dudes !! That's another good thing about NAmerica ... Most good bars (the bars I like = dives) have Guinness !!


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