Sunday, August 9, 2009

The hill of doooommm ... !

A Thursday in San Francisco !!

Last Thursday was the tourist day !! Damn right ! My first time ever here and I intended on getting my "tourist points" worth !!
My good buddy , the lovely miss Amanda came AAaaaaalllll the way from Philly just to hang-out with me and she had an agenda (+10 tourist points) ! So we followed the notes and instructions previously prepared by the said young lady ... Spent the whole day walking up and down the hills (some of which should have def. been flattened when they started this town !! No joke ! Bad urban planning ... I mean the view is breathtaking but no where near as much as climbing them !!) ... So after loosing a lung (watch your step around Lombard and Larkin st.) a few shots of the Golden Gate bridge (from far ... Close-ups to come) and a lot of picture taking action through Chinatown , downtown and other in between spots ! (K K Ka-ching !! +100 tourist points)

More pictures to come ... I just started a collection of pictures of Chinatown delivery trucks !! They rock !! All tagged up as if they paid kids to do it ! All of them !! I have 5 different ones up to know and I am willing to trade if you have a good one !! I might even share my collection with you guys and post some here one day !

So ... A full day of touristy stuff was fun !! After the day was all over and done and our legs could barely take us anywhere ... Me , miss Amanda and her trusted note book of notes ended up at The Bar down in the Mission , to spend our well earned "tourist points" !!

M m more tomorrow ... Some doodles perhaps ! I've got about 10 new pages done since I last posted any ... Might as well share some with you !

Until then ... Don't spend all your tourist points in the same pub !!

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