Friday, October 23, 2009

Honk Kong calling

News of the day >>>>>

Readers of this fine Plog , it's now official , I am moving to the far east , to the great island lands of Hong Kong ! True story !

Now now ... Wait a minute , let me explain >>>

Leaving for 6 months ! Been in serious need of a Scandinavian break for a while now and all this settling down thing that might comfort some , definitely doesn't satisfy me ! At least still not yet ! So much to see ... So much out there ! Have been here "steady" in Copenhagen for 3 years now and that's the longest I've been anywhere ! Started to itch ... So yeah ... I had been dreaming of one day leaving for the fair shores of China for a while ... And as much as I will dearly miss my dear Copenhagen friends ... Now is the time !!

Before you get all excited , here are the facts:

I'm only leaving for 6 months so it's not the end of the world !! Just need a good geographic break ! I will indeed come back to Denmark after this little break ! Will in no way give up my tattoo home of the Conspiracy inc. ! The waiting list for all non started pieces stays the same and will start contacting people for new spots as soon as I plan my return in early July 2010 ! Also , all unfinished pieces will be finished before I leave !! I have more than enough time to finish existing pieces and even fit in a few "one shots" before I'm out ! I will still have a portfolio at the Conspiracy and you can still apply for the waiting list while I'm gone ! So yes I am coming back and 6 months is long enough for me and not that long till I'm back !

So there ya have it ... News of the day !

Please direct all hate mail to :

For all questions and/or concerns about unfinished pieces :

For all requests to go have a few pints before I leave :

For all other maters :

More news soon !!

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