Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pixie cake !

G'day g'day !

Today was a tattoo day at the office , however , the day's work was impossible to take a picture of !! Impossible I tell ya ! So you'll just have to imagine a cool tattoo here >>>>>

Beautiful !!

In other news , however ... Here's my birthday present to myself this year ! I got this little marvel in San Diego , a few months ago at the Comicon and just got it back from the frame wizard yesterday !! Found this sweet sweet frame at his shop , behind a pile and it was just screaming "I WAS BORN TO FRAME THIS PIECE" So ... Yeah ... Who was I to dispute this desire !!!

Magical !!!! Am now not only a fan of the said Mr. Wood but also an official collector !! Will have to wear a bow tie from now on ! Don't laugh when you see me !

More exciting news ... Maybe tomorrow ... Maybe tonight ! Until then ... Stay cool !

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