Sunday, January 31, 2010

Underpass !

Today's another big doodle on the wall day ! Yep !! Didn't get enough of it last week !! Should be finished tonight with this little section and have some sweet shots up on here by tomorrow !! After that ... Break for real !!!! No I mean it !! Back to the more reasonable sized doodles at the C.C.H.Q. !!

Stay sharp and more importantly , stay away from tumbling buildings !! Safety first people !!

MK cool !!

Quick drop !! Just flying by ... Another page from the sketchbook about the everyday Mong Kok life !!

Tomorrow ... More big doodles on walls !! Just a day's worth on a little corner that was originally planned for session one and forgotten about ! Then big doodle break for a week or so !

Stay cool and thanks so much for all the awesome lines you guys dropped !! It's always nice to read them comments !! You guys rock !

P.s. No projector ... Just walking back and forth a lot !
P.p.s. All in good time mister IGL , all in good time !!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


If you've been disappointed with the last few Wilco records, are tired of putting the same few Band of Horses tracks on repeat, and need something to keep you from offing yourself Elliot Smith-style in this dead of winter from listening to too much of him or Bon Iver, then you should probably check out Dawes. These young gents from North Hills, CA really know how to tug on the heart strings and pull you towards the hopes of warmer weather, driving with the windows down, girls in skirts, and all the wonderful things that we Wonder Years-boys look forward to in the coming months. (I'm talking about the rad TV show from our childhood, not the corny band) So if you're in to nostalgic moments, CSNY, Being There - era Wilco, syrupy vocals, and a record to make out to this summer, then check out Dawes.

Dawes "Love is All I am" from THE FEAR on Vimeo.

Big done !!

Finally done !! Hurra !!
Spent 3 days on this damn wall ! I either overestimated my capabilities or underestimated that wall but thinking I could get this big doodle done in one day was very ... How do you say ? Dumb ! Anywho ... Just finished and am happy to say I kicked that wall's ass !! Showed it who was boss !! Done and done ! Well ... Part one of ... 8 !! Yeah ... I'm taking a break and will most likely space these walls out a bit more than I thought but ... Expect some more of this giant doodle action in the months to come cuz more needs getting done !!

Hope you like this 8 by almost 3 meter piece ... I know I do !!

Oh yeah and guys ... This wallpaper busyness is hella-awesome looking but had I known how much of a pain in the ass putting it up could be , I might not have dared (thanks buddy Rob) !! Don't try this at home , people !!!

Tomorrow ... ? Normal sized doodles !

Stay awesome and ... If you get a second ... Let me know what you think !!

P.s. Absolutely !! To see this live (which is much much nicer) ... Check out First Cup in TST (bottom end of Pratt ave)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In progress !

Paint paint paint the big big wall at the bar , is all I've been doing for the last few days !! Here's a picture of a marketplace down my hood that has absolutely nothing to do with that ... Just to keep your eyes busy , ya know ?!! For the geeks out there , however ( SENSIA 100 cross processed with me beloved CANON Eos-RG) ! But trust me when I say ... That this painting wall busyness I've been working on is the awesomest wall piece I have done so far and you can't wait to see it !!! True story !!! Went all out on this first part of the bar !! Yep ... Wallpaper and fancy paints and all !! Should (I hope) be done tonight so start expecting a shot or 10 tomorrow (maybe) !!

Stay colourful !!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Down the road ...

More shots from the HK !!

Here's roll number two ! Taken just down the road ... On the East side of Nathan road around the general Jordan/Tsim Sha Tsui area !! Just so you know !!

SENSIA 200 / Canon Eos-RG >>>>>>

And yes ! That is indeed the official Dr. Seuss residence in Hong Kong !!

Tomorrow ... I start reclaiming space in a bar !! Have still no idea what I will paint all over that space yet but should come up with something sweet ... No doubt no doubt !! I'll , of course , be taking some shots of the first walls as soon as I'm done for the day tomorrow night !! So expect some cool giant doodles to be Plogged tomorrow or the next day !!


Sunday, January 24, 2010



Form A Log is Noah from Social Junk, Ren from God Willing/Mercy Light etc., & Rick of The New Flesh literally playing cassettes and 4-tracks along with a large dose of 'consumption' [released by Human Conduct]. I'm not going to lie. This is almost hard for me to listen to at times. Still rules though. Lots of drum&bass loops with constant rewinding and fast-forwading atmospheric future/space overdubs. If you liked the Social Junk, you might dig this. Enjoy maybe? Probably not.



First demo by this lo-fi, fuzz-pop, post-grunge outfit from Philly. Ex-Fight Amp, The Funeral Bird, Gunna Vahm, and a bunch more. There's two drummers on this and I think the guitar is tuned to a banjo. Sup 90's? Buy their new LP

"The end is here, the end is here, we're all doomed."

Business rabbit ... in 3D !

Time is money !

Just a bit more Hong Kong reclamation !

Me Hood in green !

Good day good day to all !!

Just kinda noticed that there weren't much shots of my hood posted up on the Plog since I've been here ! A few quick ones from all around but not much from outside my door !! Not just to represent but I've had a bunch of friends and Plog lovers from all over asking me what it looked like , to live here in Mong Kok , Hong Kong ! So ... From the rolls I just got back from my new developing wizard ... Here's a few shots from one of the said rolls !! A better look at where I be hanging , and living ! For your viewing pleasures >>> More shots to come but for now >>>>>

Here's a selection from a SENSIA 400 (slide/cross processed) with my baby , the CANON-Eos RG !

Very green indeed !! The 400 Sensia does that when it gets all cross processed and stuff ! I'll be posting a few more from around the Kowloon side asap too ! A SENSIA 200 and 100 to come !! Laced , obviously , with random doodles and diverse acts of related doodlings too !!

Hope ya like !!

P.s. New reclamation to come ... Stay fresh >>>

Saturday, January 23, 2010



2002 EP


spastic, screamy, noisy, guitar-drum trashing, punky, hardcore stuff.
apparently banned from the church after opening for floor, then asked to come back.

"Vacuums Fix Everything"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Never sleeps ...

Just a quick line to tell yall I just came back from my new homie's , the local film developing wizard and I think we're gonna be friends cuz he just gave me a stack of super wonderful shots !!!

I'll be sorting through them tonight and post a few tomorrow ! This time ... I've even managed to track the actual films I used so expect extra precise facts about them too !!!

Until then ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ALKALINE TRIO - This Addiction (2010)

new album. Might get taken down. I think its a banger. Takes alot from older style and also eclipses agony and irony.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adventures of a rice cooker !

Faan Tong Sin Saang's making new friends everywhere he goes !! Just an all around awesome dude if ya ask me !!

As usual , don't ask ... I just draw these things !!

Awesome (I hope) shots to come on Saturday !! You gots to stay put for those ... Until then , doodles all over , most probably !!

Keep it real !!



NJ pop/punk by five dudes who are really into the movielife, beer, and gettin' swoll.

紅燈 !!

From the hearth of Hong Kong , a very good day to all you Plog followers of the interwebs !!

Today ... You get a special tat-action treat ! That's right , it's been a while ... I know !!

Straight over from Australia land (the country not the movie) , my mate Luke came down (or up actually) to get the second side of his lower half done !!! For reference purposes , check this out if you don't remember the first side ... A drunken stroll through the A'dam's red light , done last year when I was last over ... Down under !!

For your tat-savy viewing pleasures ... With no further delay ... Check this part of the famous Dutch red light , in action , live from Hong Kong !!

Magenta for me (forgot my markers at home) and black for buddy Luke !!

And the (almost) finished product ... 6 hours later !!

That's right !! This homie's got the hots for this particular young lady !! Chocolates and flowers ... Nothing's too good for his impossible love !! A sucker ? An idiot ? Or maybe just a hopeless romantic ??

Stay rockin' !! More to come ! However , might wait a bit for some more sweet tats ... Official start up is not before February !! More doodles and shots , however , will be delivered !!

P.s. Good job trooper Luke !! First of the year and a trooper at it too !! Nothing less than a sweet meal of human brains to celebrate , let me tell ya !!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Noodles on the Go Go ...

... Indeed !! Gots to love your noodles !!!

Finally got some done last night !! More to come !!

MERAUDER - 5 Deadly Venoms (1999)

One of the many uploads ill be doing for Tom, he needs music in the middle east. Im helping the troops.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yau Ma Tei !

D D Dragonings !!

Busy busy !!!! Lots of hanging out but also ... Working is starting to creep up too !! Can't seem to finish any doodles since I've been here but have been starting lots and lots ! So , it's only really a matter of time before they all start showing up here !! I'll most probably have some good stuff for the Gallery to show back in the KBH soon too !!

Among other projects and apart from book making , doodles and picture taking ... A whole bar is about to get all EPed up and that is gonna look hella-sweet , let me tell ya !!

And finally ... For the tat-mad Plog followers out there ... This week should give your eyes a little something to chew on too !

Stay awesome !!

P.s. China says hi !

Friday, January 15, 2010

On the other side !

Just a quick shot from the other side of the harbour ... The Hong Kong side of Hong Kong !!

Today was a picture day ... But stay tuned for some doodles , doodles and lots more doodles to come this way !! Been drawing some sweet stuff at my new C.C.H.Q. lately and you might just happen to like them doodles !

Also in the news >>>>>
Yes ! It's true !! The Megabot piece on page 68 of the latest issue of Tattoo Energy (#62) that has the rather skillfully uniformed line "unknown artist" under it is indeed one of mine !! Always super sucks when that happens !! Makes you not want to send these zines any pictures at all !! Thanks , however , to my super spy network for spotting it so quickly and keeping me in the know !

Until the next post ... Homies and homettes , Stay fresh out there ... More Plogging from the fair shores of China very soon !!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Dont have the artwork so that will have to do. This band was way way way way ahead of their time. They put this out around the same time as Unearth - Stings of conscience when they were sophomores in high school. The band broke up and a few of the guys in it went on to be in razorwrist which i posted.


One of the songs features alex from behind the sun on vocals...throwback

singer (Sam kogan) solo acoustic- Music Myspace link
guitar (Reed) electroacoustic - Music myspace link

Minor Threat - First Demo Tape

1. Minor Threat
2. Stand Up
3. Seeing Red
4. Bottled Violence
5. Small Man, Big Mouth
6. Straight Edge
7. Guilty of Being White
8. I Don't Want To Hear It

Found this little cutie stashed away after I ripped it a few months ago. Enjoy what was once a forgotten BYM update.

From the record insert:
"Three or four months after forming, Minor Threat went into Inner Ear Studios to record their first demo tape. Joining them were their friends Henry and Skip. The studio was located in the basement of Don Zientara's small house in Arlington, Virginia. The band set up and played in his kids' playroom while Don ran the 4-track tapedeck in the adjacent boiler room. Judging by the photos, the band had a great time, but for reasons now forgotten (songs too slow? not tight enough?) they decided to return to Inner Ear about a month later to record a second tape, which was released in June 1981 as Dischord No. 3."

Midnight stroll ...

Victoria harbour's still there !

Just checking !

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Panda Parts !!

Just a doodle ... Of the everyday life here in Hong Kong !!

Just love these delivery trucks !! You might see lots more of them doodled here !!

Today's a picture day ... So expect some sweet shots before the end of the week !!


Monday, January 11, 2010

Deathbeds- No Funeral (2010)

So the original post has been re-upped with a free download at readers' requests.
Records are finalized, pressed, and in our hands. Check the link below to pre-order the 7" (which also comes with a free digital download).
Check the myspace page or the Young Lungs blog for upcoming show info and other updates. I don't feel like doing any more shameless self-plugging on here.

young lungs ltd.

Frank Sinatra- In The Wee Small Hours (1955)

THE essential chillax soundtrack, and the first of many artistic milestones in the long and illustrious collaboration of Frank Sinatra and arranger Nelson Riddle. Never before has Frank sounded so lonesome, vulnerable, and most importantly, so brilliant.
Throw this on at a low volume, pour some brandy, and sit back in your favorite recliner.


Noodle Rabbit ... In 3D !

Just a bit of reclamation !

P.s. Yes ! My new best buddy is a rice cooker ! His official name is "Faan Tong Sin Saang" which you all must obviously know means : Mr. Rice bucket in Cantonese !

More soon !

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mong kok way !

A few random shots from the hood ...

Sorry about the unploggingness of the last few days but there's just so much to do !!! So so happy to be back here ! To just walk around and hang out with friends all day !!!
But fear not , people of the internets !!!! Drawings have started to appear steadily in the last few days !! In the sketchbook but also on some of the awesomest paper I have ever found !! True story !! Got me a little truck load of the best illustration board available !! Beautiful stuff , let me tell ya !! And since I also got my scanner with me this time ... You won't have to settle for shitty "on the road" pictures of doodles !! No no ... Nothing's too good for you , faithful Plog buddies ! You'll just have to give me time to hook it all up and start scanning the last few days first !! But who knows ... Maybe tomorrow !?

Lovin' it !

Oh ! And before I forget .... Here's my new best friend/flat mate !

Awesome dude to have around !!!

Take it light and keep an eye out on some real pictures and doodles to come !!! Many secret master plans coming through !!!