Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Decieverion- Igniting Crimson Vengeance (2011)

Bad Year veteran Jay Dost plays in this band.
More great black metal from the Philly area.
New 7" out in 2011. Sample track up now.
Follow them on facebook for updates, shows, and ordering info. Also, flood their wall with posts telling Jay to post more on here.

Shipment has arrived !

Shipment of originals from the old Copenhagen gallery , that is !! Go check them out if you got nothing else better to do on the interwebs on this fine last day of August , of course !

The S.U.V. and the STUCK pieces will be ready to leave for their new homes tomorrow ! The giant vampire chick is also due to get collected from the frame wizard tomorrow ! That vampire chick is already picked and bought but I will definitely post some pictures of it with its brand new pimpin' frame !!!!

More tomorrow !

Monday, August 30, 2010


Today's tattoo action ... Part two of the traveling half sleeve !!

This good man , all the way from Swissland had come to Hong Kong for the first sitting on this here piece ! Part two , in Copenhagen ... A bit closer from home , one might say ! So today we spent the day colouring it all up for about 5 hours ! Here's What it all looked like all done and done !!!

Good travels buddy !!

Still more to Plog ... Still no time to Plog it in !!!

Stay happy !

P.s. Absolutely ! That last one and pretty much all I've been painting lately is for sale ! After they get Plogged here , they are shipped to my framing wizard and back at the shop about a week later and up for grabs on the EPTB !!

In Gold

The day's doodle...

Not quite finished yet with this one ... Not enough contrast between the chick and the background ! Not sure yet what I'll do to it but I also kinda like it like this ! Let's see what happens !

Tomorrow is tattoo day !
I get to finish the traveling half sleeve started in Hong Kong ! Come back and check for this one , it should be a nice one !!

Tuesday is "getting back all my originals from the old gallery" day ! So expect the EPTB to fill up with stuff to look at !!

Stay gold !


"Archgoat is a black metal group that formed in Finland in 1989. There are three band members: Angelslayer (vocals/bass), Ritual Butcherer (guitar) and Blood Desecrator (drums). Their first demo, Jesus Spawn, was released in 1992. The members of Archgoat openly identify with the philosophy of Satanism, and the Occult as expressed in their lyrical content which also consists of anti-Christian themes.In 1993, Archgoat went on hiatus, feeling that they did not belong in a commercial black metal scene. They returned once again in 2004 with the original lineup, and they released their 1993 material as a 7" EP, titled Angelslaying Black Fucking Metal through Hammer of Hate Records."

All i can say is this band is sounds like what hell is supposed to sound like. They broke up when they thought black metal bands were selling out..........in 1993...when varg was still burning churches/killed Euronymous.
Thanks to Alex.



These are two awesome fliers done by my bud Clay who runs deathtens. Its like badyearmedia if any of us knew how to surf. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

This first one is probably one of my favorite fliers ever.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hard light

Yesterday's DOOM session !!

Part two on the rock sleeve !

4 hours well spent if you ask me ! Stay tuned for more on this one in December !

Not much time to blog about anything these days !! Just barely managing to find a few seconds here and there to post the work but am definitely saving up for some "here" and "now" Ploggings ! A few shots of Copenhagentown by night taken in the last few days , to come and maybe even some factual facts post about this part of the world !

Until then stay sane and if you happen to be in Hong Kong tonight ... Say hi for me !

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cordon Bleu !

More tattoos ... More sleeve starting !!!

Yesterday's sleeve starting action live from the office !!

This time ... A kitchen sleeve got started ! We scratched it all and then we made it to about half the lines by the end of the day ! Next appointment on this culinary arm should be in not too long ! More lines and maybe some colour too when we get there ! Until then ... Here's how it all looked like !

Red/Black >>>

Half lined >>>

Tomorrow is the start of a well deserved full weekend of doodlings so stay tuned for some of that action ! Should also have some time to Plog today's doom session of doom tattooing !!

Stay healthy !

Snake Road- Demo (2010)

Pummeling Philly hardcore punk with plenty of crust, d-beat, thrash, and death metal influences all wrapped up in a not so neat package. Definitely showing a lot of promise already. Hoping to see this release make it onto wax sometime in the near future. For now, stream and/or download the tracks on bandcamp, and be at their first show this Saturday in Blackwood, NJ! Follow them on facebook for details.


Thursday, August 26, 2010


Originals update !

You guys rock !!

Opened my computer this morning to notice both the new originals on the EPTB got sold overnight and that's pretty damn rad ! These two sweet pieces will get packed and shipped out on Tuesday ! Both heading to their new respective homes on opposite corners of the world !

For all of you out there who might have been interested in these or other pieces , fear not !! More more more to come ! Some time next week I should definitely manage to finally get back my stuff from last year ! That'll be a bunch in one go and should keep you busy for a little while ! If you however , like the newer stuff more ... There should be a bunch of these popping up randomly yet regularly ! Some maybe even as soon as next week (apart from the last vampire doll who also already got grabbed) !

Thanks to all and stay awesome !
Today's new sleeve ... Plogged tomorrow !

WOE - Quietly, Undramatically track released!

"Until Quietly, Undramatically drops on October 12 via Candlelight we’ll have to settle for this one track from the album, “A Treatise on Control.” But what a doozy it is… “settle” is hardly the word. Stream it below.."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

VAF in the house Laaa !

Firstly ... As promised , last Monday's tattoo action >>>

A quickie , one might say ! Barely 2 and a half hours in the making but a final session on a sleeve ! A piece complete !
Buddy shaky legs came all the way down , once again , from Gothenburgtown for his ink needs ... Hopefully not for the last time ! Always good to have you over Gweilo !!!

Here's what happened >>>>

Yep ... Shaky legs is an adult now ! He's getting baby tattoos !

Check out the full thing we had finished last year , minus the baby patch !


Also in the news >>>>

If you happen to be one of those people that get their fancy tickled by my doodles and think that nothing less than the original is good enough for you good folks ... Check out the EPTB ! Finally got two fine pieces up for grabs uploaded a minute ago ! More to come ... I just haven't managed to get my older stuff from the gallery back just yet and some other new ones are still getting framed !! Next week for sure !
Until then let me know what yall think !!!! They do always look so much more bester all pimped up and framed !

For any enquiries about these two fine pieces or any other originals for sale: pick@electricpick.com

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nothing- пошлость

If youre in the market for some awesome post punk shoegaze tinged excellence check out Mike Emps new band Nothing. Filled with atmospheric bells and whistles, this band can definately go somewhere from this demo. My personal favorite is the track entitled "Last day in Bouville". Its a banger.


Monday, August 23, 2010

True story !

However ... Also in the news of the day >>>

-Don't take the bus in the Philippines !

-Inception fuckin' rocked !!

-Today's tattooing action posted tomorrow !!!

Stay fresh !

90s Hardcore

So in trying to fill a request for COREUPT, New Jersey hardcore band that had a few demos out in 96/97 and a split with second2none, I came across http://www.hardcorewebsite.net/bands.htm. Every local band you ever forgot about and the links to their websites circa 97/98. I think the last time the site was updated was 2001. Coreupt is one of the bands up there but unfortunately no downloads. You can however email/call/or write to the band...good luck with that. not all the links work of course but its still pretty cool.

here are a few band descriptions i liked.

Mindset - from Queens NY. Due to name conflicts, the band is now known as SWORN ENEMY

Clubber Lang - PHATT ass hardcore band from NJ. Beatdown / brutal style. Deep dark and evil. Official site on band name

E-TOWN CONCRETE - NJ style Hardcore. BRUTAL, HARD ,and in your face. The band has a few demos that you "might" still be able to locate. They also have a new CD out on BACK TA BASICS 97 which is now on Ressurection AD records. Official site Jan 7th: Photos added from Mar 3 2001 show at Voodoo Lounge: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

and im sorry but i found Kensington's myspace page with their demo on it....

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sleeve week ...

The catch up !!

As promised , last week's tattoo action aka "sleeve week" in living colour (and mostly lines) just to bring you guys back up to speed in my calendar's crazy tattoo season !

First in line "the tree" >>>

An old sleeve started in 2008 (yep , that's a while ago) was finally continued last Monday !
Have a look at the first session , from 2 years ago just to get the idea ! A crazy tree on crack was the main theme here !

Here's what it looked like at the end of this highly anticipated first day of colour !!

More on this sleeve of tree madness in a few months !

Second in line "Rapunzel sleeve" >>>

Thursday's work ... A new sleeve got started and all lined up in one sitting ! That's pretty quick for me ! Have been getting quicker and quicker lately but this has to be a first ! A sleeve all lined up in about 5 hours ! Here's what my Rapunzel looks like ! However please forgive me ... I seem to have forgotten , once again to take the marker shots !!

More colour on this piece very very soon !

And lastly but not leastly .... "the fairy pirate Vs the fishmen from below sleeve"

Yep !

Black and Red >>>

And almost all lined up at the end of the day >>>

Keep an eye on this epic battle till the end to find out who will win this deadly maritime struggle ! Personally ... I happen to be rooting for the Fishmen from below ! But some other people might not share my enthusiasm !

Colours real soon !

Hope this post satisfies your deepest tattoo cravings of the week !
More more more next week !!

Friday, August 20, 2010

So busy laaah ....

Crazy busy !

Yep get use to it ... I think I'll be writing this a lot in the next few months !!

Just finished lining yet another sleeve and have no energy to start cropping and posting stuff tonight ! Sorry guys ! I'm still about a week behind anyways ! But tell ya what ! I'll post ya an unfinished doodle tonight (just so you have something to look at) and I'll find a bit of time to make a mega tattoo catch up post tomorrow ! To get you guys back up to speed on this sleeve week ! How's that ? Yeah ? Cool !

Done deal !

Flying Blue (not the air mile club) ...

P.s. Thanks a lot for all the comments and e-mails about the last piece (vampire chick) ! I'm getting it seriously pimped up at my frame dude right now ! I think it's already sold but I promise a good shot of it all framed and hot and stuff !!!!

Blue's not always so bad !

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Weezer - (Blue Album) (1994)

Request from Tom DeYoung whose smashing all opposers right now in Iraq.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reverend Paul Bearer - NO REALLY, GO FUCK YOURSELF

Paul Bearer at his best from 1987 - 1999. No music, nothing but in between song stage banter.
Pointed out to me by Reed.

Check out Sheer Terror's set at TIH2010 at HATE5SIX.com its not up yet should be soon

Check out the links to discogs.com for dates of the shows each track was recorded at


1Sheer Terror - Go Fuck Yourselves
2Sheer Terror - Well Here We Are In France
3Sheer Terror - Good To See Ya
4Sheer Terror - So Whats The Matter
5Sheer Terror - We Played The Whiskey
6Sheer Terror - Is This A Fuckin Morgue
7Sheer Terror - Your Mother Has No Tits
8Sheer Terror - God Bless You
9Sheer Terror - Get Your Moneys Worth
10Sheer Terror - The True Champion
11Sheer Terror - Life Ain't Easy
12Sheer Terror - Bad Things Happen To Bad People
13Sheer Terror - Saturday Night Fever
14Sheer Terror - The Funniest Thing

Deep in the darkness ...

Deep in the shadows ...

Last piece I just came up with a few days ago and by far my new favouritest of them all since I've been back !!! Think I really love this new one a lot !
Let me know what yall think about this last vampire one !

Also ... This piece and a few others just got dropped at my wonderful framing wizard this morning and should be all pretty and good to get posted on the EPTB's new Originals for sale section , in about a week ! Expect a bunch of originals from before I left for Hong Kong and then loads of new stuff too !!

And finally ... E-Shop's finally open again !! Just just managed to update the EPTB and set up all the old inventory from last year ! No new stuff just yet but soon soon enough !! Till then ... You'll have to deal with some older stuff !!

Check a check a check it out ...

ABORTED - Engineering the Dead (2001)

One of my favorite Death Metal albums. Been spinning it a lot lately. I wouldnt steer you wrong.

Rancour fed I grasp her head
Hurl her ass against the wall
Merry thoughts I disenthrall
Taking my nails to devour her entrails

With excremental lubricant I force them down in her cunt
Violently piercing her insides - Emotions I can no longer hide
Feel the steel engrain - Enjoy the skewering pain
Anal crucifixion - Hammering
Suffer in humility - Piercing to the vaginal cavity
Sanguinary feces - Nailing

She regurgitates the blood - emerging from your sieved guts
Oligophrenic debaucheries - mutilations one never sees

Affectionate reminiscences - A canvas of carnal decadence
Expediting decay, defecating matter - Sphinctral impalement, lancing her bladder
Rectal and intestinal suffering - Lacerating delights I bring

Mutilated in her riddled ass - Remnants of what she once was
You dirty slut you get what you deserve
Defecating as haematemsia emerge

Meathook penetration - Rectal defenstration
A morbid row of guts & gore
With your mangled bowels scattered on the floor

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Le Tattooing x2!

Last week's second day of le Tattooing !!!

We sadly did not manage to finish this one , I completely forgot once again to take the marker shots and never managed to get a good picture at the end of the day .... But still ... I have something to show !

Le Buddy has promised to return in the not so distant future to finish this new leg patch and ... To also wrap up the lower arm piece we did on the first day !

De-construction ... Living on that planet must , no doubt hella-suck !! Constantly building and destroying shit around you !!! I'd move ! But hey ... Makes for a sweet piece !

Thanks for coming from so far (not that far actually but for some reason , the French will not travel to get tattooed unlike their other European neighbours) so special thanks for coming buddy !

In other news >>>>>>

There are no other news today !

Plog ya later ... Still got some catching up to do ... Lots to Plog !!!!

Jawbreaker- Dear You (1995)

Posting due to request. Or if you're one of the three retards out there that hasn't listened to this album yet.


Lou Reed - Transformer (1973)

If you don't like this album you're statistically going to die alone and miss everything cool in life.



Doodles doodles ...

This one's from a few weeks ago when I had started Copenhagen-painting again ... After a long break ! Did a few that day but hadn't had a full day off to paint again since today ! Just too damn much tattooing going on nowadays ! Got to balance it out a bit better soon ! Anyways ... Today was a well awaited painting day indeed ! And I went crazy ... Feels great ! There's nothing I love more in the world than painting for no reason ! No deadlines , no tattooing , nothing but me and some surface to fill !

None were finished today however at least 6 amazing A3s are well on their way to be so ... Keep an eye out over here in the next week ! As soon as I can find another few minutes to myself , I'll be able to finish a few of these awesome new pieces !!!

Also ... I'll be doing my best to bring the EPTB back online sometime this week too !!!


Lifeless- Demo (2010)

Just a 3-track teaser of the upcoming LP getting a proper release in the fall.
Fierce vocals and HEAVY riffs, reminiscent of Merauder, almost Crowbar-ish at times, and definitely keeping things interesting long enough to not pigeonhole themselves as just another metal-influenced hardcore band. This demo will have you punching holes in your wall but leave you just hungry enough for their full length, which should be out fairly soon. Get on the hype train now. You sleep on this band its your loss.


Cruel Hand- Lock and Key (2010)

Heavy hardcore here, mostly in the same vein as Ill Blood-era No Warning. Lots of crossover riffs and a bass-heavy recording. A lot of bands are ripping off the stompier NYHC sound these days but this record is doing it right at least. Plus I got to see them live a few times and their live show definitely lives up to the heaviness on record. Good stuff.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Le Tattooing !

More more more tattoos for yall !

This time from last Thursday's session !
Buddy came all the way from la France to get some ink done ! 2 days of it to be precise ! Here's what day one looked like !
The calm and serenity of green ...

You know the drill ... Red for me/Black for le buddy !!

And 5 hours later >>>

Merveilleux ! Another "one shot" in the bank !!

More tats still to come ! Stay busy !

And out of nowhere they came ...

Still up !
I know I know ... I should go to bed but if I go to bed too soon , I'll be back up at like 1 am and well that's just retarded when you live in a town that has a very strict schedule ! So decided to try and last a bit longer . Not much just a bit more longer . Am really feeling it though . I use to do this skipping a night thing almost every week way back in the day ! Tattoo all day , draw all night and back at tattoo work the next day and could barely feel it at all ! Nowadays ... Not so tough I'm afraid . Must be getting old ... I feel like a zombie . Anyways ... Enough self pity , but since I'm trying to stay up a bit longer , thought I could start catching up a bit on the week's Ploggables >>>

Talking about zombies ... Here's last Monday's undead tat-session !

All the way from Ålborg (Olbo) , Mr. Buddy came up to the capital to continue downwards from the voodoo half (4th from the top) I had finished just before leaving for HK , last year . I'm however afraid that this time , it seems as though I might have completely forgotten to take a picture of the Red and Black marker lines , Allan's favourite part indeed ... It happens !

Goat headed zombie kings , dirty voodoo undead rituals and a party of boy scouts stuck , I'm afraid , at the wrong place at the wrong time ! Here's what that looked like on Monday night , at the end of a lines & black session >>>>

Colours in not so long .

More catching up tomorrow !!! Cool tats too !

P.s. Yep , that there voodoo symbols is indeed some reel life voodoo symbols ! True story !

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Insane-o !

These last few weeks have been insane busy indeed ! Exponentially so !! From no days off to no nights off ! So forgive my Plog silence of the last few days but I haven't been able to find a second to myself !!

It's 7:30 in the morning right now and I just spent the night cropping pages (the very last day (or night) of work on "the book" is finally done!!) All the pages are squeezed in a drive , ready to fly to Hong Kong and good to go for the printers !!!! After a very long night of final final book making it's finally out of my hands !

I have about a week's worth of awesome Ploggables waiting inline but I'm afraid I'll have to make you wait a bit longer !! Have a hard time keeping my eyes open and opening Photoshop to crop stuff is the last thing I need right now ! I'll definitely try to post some of the last few days awesome new tattoo action sometime tonight though so keep an eye out !!

That's it for me ... I'm outta here ! Have a great day , I'm going to bed as soon as I can !

Tuesday, August 10, 2010