Sunday, November 29, 2009

From top to bottom !!

Some more of that tattoo thing !!!

Another one in the bank !! Ka-ching !!!

Yesterday's tat-doings indeed !! My homie came down from the GBG yesterday for a final wrap up on his angel "no nudity" sleeve !! And that's exactly what happened ! One last round for the inside of the arm as soon as I get back , this Summer !! But all else is done , done and done !! Looks good !! This sleeve was one of those pieces who just changed every time we had a session and it just grew and grew , always changing ! finally ... Looks damn perfect ! Good job , buddy !!!

Hope you got other tattoo plans buddy , always nice to have you over !

NO tattooing tomorrow !!!!!!!!! I think I'll just never get outta bed ... Just skip the day altogether if it's all the same to ya ! Sounds pretty damn cool to me right now !! Some doodles perhaps , in the few days to come ... Between two boxes !

And hey ! Congrats again buddy !!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Soft ...

Here's the day's tattings !!

Dirty greens and pink >>> Always a rockin' match !!

A few hours today ... And a few more in a few weeks and this one'll be all done and wrapped up and ready to rock'n roll or whatever else it is it wants to be ready to do ... Yep !! 2 more days at the office , next on the list !! 2 sleeves ... Maybe even a finished one !!!! Been finishing so many pieces lately !

Also ... Sorry about yesterday's outburst of hate !!! As much as I can usually always enjoy a spontaneous day off ... Now is probably the worst time to not show up and not tell me !!!!!!!!!! So if you got a date with me in the next few weeks and are planning to not show up , let me know 2 days before if you like the idea of a possibility of one day being able to show up again !!

Stay street !!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hate Eternal- I, Monarch (2005)

Yeah I know.
More death metal.
Ex-Morbid Angel.
Its no Altars of Madness.


Brutality- When the Sky Turns Black (1994)

One of the lesser known/credited 90's Tampa death metal acts.
They rolled with Bolt Thrower so you know they're official.



NO SHOW ???!!! REALLY???!!!

I couldn't imagine a worst time !!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Grey town !

Winter time in Copenhagen town explains perfectly well why the Vikings did everything they could to find new places to live !! 3 hours of grey rainy "daylight" , a day for 2 weeks straight now ... Is getting to me !! Don't get me wrong !! I'm totally cool with the grey cloudy skies !! It's the 11 to 3 daylight thing which is starting to piss me off !! No worries ... I shouldn't complain , I've got one month left to deal with !!

Back at the office tomorrow for another 4 days of extreme tatttttt-Zappings ! Until then ... I've changed some stuff around on the shop !! Have a look and let me know if you have any questions at all !!!

P.s. Doodled a bit today !! Will try to find time this week to scan and post some dirty dra-wer-rings for ya !!!

Plog ya later !

ASCENDED - Temple of Dark Offerings (2009)

Death metal from deep rotting crypts of Björneborg. Finland keeping it real. Band eclipses half the death metal acts today.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shrinebuilder - S/T

1. "Solar Benediction" - 8:44
2. "Pyramid of the Moon" - 7:35
3. "Blind For All to See" - 7:27
4. "The Architect" - 5:56
5. "Science of Anger" - 9:24

The closest thing to knowing about all the bootleg snacks is knowing about the 'supergroup' Shrinebuilder. Featuring Wino, Scott Kelly, Al Cisneros, and Dale Crover, you can imagine the impact this album will have on your core. Lets just hope they play more shows in the area in the future.

For more info on their latest show in NYC, as well as setlists and decent photos, check out the article at

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Hangout !

Behold ... Fateful Plog-followers >>>> Yesterday's day's doings galore ...

A new name rises to the top !! A new name to remember !! A new name to insult all of us who actually feel pain !! A new SUPER TROOPER to be counted among the few !! That's right ! This homie smiled in the face of terror for 9 hours yesterday !! Damn him !! Left the shop at 2:30 ! I would have quit way before that in normal times but moving soon and being able to finish this one + the fact that this homie doesn't appear to feel pain just made me go go go till it was all done !! So it's official ... It's done ! Touched up and all ! The sad thing is I probably won't be able to get a good shot of this till Summer but hey , at least it's done ! Done ... And even if it might be hard to see on these bloody , shiny shots , very sweet indeed !! Have a look !! First the Hangout , inside , what we started the day with ...

You know the drill >>>>> Red for me/Black for Mr.Super Trooper >>> + final !

And here's the day's worth !!

Rock !! Congrats buddy !

Now ... If you don't mind ... No tattoo talk until I start another week at the office on Thursday !

P.s. The last post (yes , I got a lot of questions about it) was about the current score of the struggle for half of America to get some kind of public healthcare (the foundation of any modern civilized state in my personal opinion) against the will of the other half who are obviously too wealthy to care about the less fortunate and would rather not have to pay for it !!

You can think what you want about it , really !! Any exchange of opinion and difference in view is very healthy for any modern civilized democracy ! But showing up for debates about healthcare across the country's city halls with automatic rifles is retarded !!!!

Stay civilized !!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Skate movie night.

Toy Machine- Welcome to Hell

Metal Skateboards- Metal

A classic and a new favorite.
Both vids are mp4 format, so they'll play in iTunes or VLC without a hitch.

Orchid- Gatefold (2002)

Their final and greatest recordings. 19 tracks of the spastic yet precise chaos the band was known for, but more mature and fine-tuned than previous releases, and with a perfect recording to boot. This was their opus.


Hatred Surge- Deconstruct (2009)

Even Mark Pilla liked these dudes when I played them.


Cable- The Failed Convict (2009)

The newest release from the CT 5-piece noise rock vets.


You baby gorilla.

Get out of this house and never come back, there are chicken cutlets in the fridge.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Congrats !

Round 2 :

It's about time: 2 - 0 :Over my dead body

Keep it up !

ACAB ...

the day's doings !!

4 hours of colour and almost done !! Next month for a final round and this one will be good to go !! We managed a lot today ! I first thought we could finish it up but , it's hard to quote time on pieces like these ! No worries ... We'll manage to finish this one too before I'm outta here !! So keep an eye out for this half sleeve all done in a bit less than a month !!

Been tattooing way too much lately ! Like way way too much !! But I'm still good to go and that's a good thing cuz I got me a month left like this of crazy tattoo action before I'm outta here !! The ends keep me going !! But I must warn you , dearest Plog followers of the interwebs , if them tattoos is what you like to see here ... Feast your eyes while you still can cuz as soon as I'm outta here , the plan is to do as little tattooing as humanly possible for a nice few months break !!! There will be more pictures ... More much more doodles ... Much much more book making but definitely less tattooing !!! Man needs a break ! So enjoy this month , tattoo lovers ... !

Stay real !!

Friday, November 20, 2009

On the road to fame !!

Front row !!

This today's session's doings !! This rock star (+ groupie chick) on their way to certain fame got all polished up and done done !! I did go a bit crazy with some details but then again ... Anything less would simply be uncivilized !! More on the top half of this sweet sleeve in July !! Until then ... More tattoo action tomorrow !!

Stay cool !!

Rotten Sound signs to Relapse Records

Arguably the #1 stunners in the genre, Rotten Sound will finally be playing more US dates (hopefully).


"Rotten Sound (Keijo Niinimaa – vocals, Mika Aalto – guitars, Sami Latva – drums, Toni Pihlaga - bass) formed in 1993 and has since released a series of full-lengths and EPs. Rotten Sound's latest album, "Cycles," was released in January of 2008 and debuted at #12 on the Finnish charts.

The group is currently writing for their follow-up to "Cycles" but will first see an EP release early next year. The EP, titled "Napalm," is scheduled for a March release via Relapse. Additional details will be announced soon.

Rotten Sound's Niinimaa commented on the signing: "Relapse Records has been a strong label for grindcore since they started, which is one of the reasons that made us want to re-release our 'Murderworks' album through them in 2005. We will fit to their roster like a fist to an ass. Being along the same line with other labelmates is very important for us because we want to tour all over this planet with bands we like ourselves. The upcoming 'Napalm' EP and the next full-length album will start a new and (even) more aggressive era for Rotten Sound. Doing it together with Relapse Records will make this period more grind than any of our phases before."


1. Transmissionary (IBMFA)
2. Ass Moments
3. God Damn
4. Stroke His Mane Boost His Ego
5. Ass Moments 2 (Hot Cream Injection(
6. She's The Sheriff
7. Ass Moments 3 (Urine Cider)
8. Erzsebet

06/05/04 - 07/13/06

"Experimental progressive rock. I was in this band. This is sort of a compilation of our recordings that weren't completely horrible." - Derrick

Wednesday, August 31, 2005:
: "fuck you dudes, recording is stupid. we played for like 40 minutes. now we're gonna do drugs elsewhere. fuck. we started stroke his mane boast his ego today. started, not finished. jim wasn't here. he's a dick. garrett is coming this weekend. he's going to live in marietta to record the 2 fucking cd's and shit yo."
The first time I ever met these fellows from Marietta, OH, they were all wearing drawn on mustaches. The entire time. I think we played on a hill called Wolf's Summit. It ruled. Anyway, I was lucky enough to see these dudes play on numerous occasions and various incarnations. Their power sound brings to mind the energy of early Dischord bands along with the unorthodox melodies of acts like At The Drive-In. Spacey, but intense post-hardcore/punk. But, what the fuck do I know? Just listen.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today was zombie mermaid day !!

4 hours of colour done ... 2 left !!! Check this evil siren all finished up in just about a month !!

More tat-crunching tomorrow !!

Stay fresh !!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


First paragraph is great.....

As You might already know, my dear ladies and gentlemen, and others individuals too, I am no friend of the modern so-called Black Metal culture. It is a tasteless, low-brow parody of Norwegian so-called Black Metal anno 1991-1992, and if it was up to me it would meet its dishonourable end as soon as possible. However, rather than abandon my own music, only because others have soiled its name by claiming to have something in common with it, I will stick to it. The "black metallers" will probably continue to "get loaded", "get high", and in all other manners too behave like the stereotypical Negro; they will probably continue to get foreign tribal tattoos, dress, walk, talk, look and act like homosexuals, and so forth. Some of the "black metallers", their fans and accomplices will probably even continue to pretend - and actually believe - they have something in common with Burzum, but let me assure You; they don't! I play what can be described as some sort of metal music, all right, and they do too, but the similarities ends there. Freud wrote books. Tolkien wrote books. The similarities ends there.

Why more of Burzum? Well, I am what I am; a musician. Musicians produce music, when they can, and now I can; I am no longer imprisoned by the criminal anti-Norwegian regime in Norway. Will my music be any good? My guess is that if You like Burzum You like Burzum. If You don't You don't. I do try to change all the time, but most of the time I fail, and many appreciate that. Others don't.

The coming album is called "Den Hvite Guden" (The White God) and is a musical and lyrical description of the the White God (alias Apollon, Baldr, Belenus, Belus, Bragi, Byelobog, Jarilo, et cetera) and the annual events of his life. I describe the stories of the myths like they could have been before they were myths, by presenting to You bits and pieces of the sorcery and religion of ancient Europe (more elaborately described in my unpublished book "Trolldom og Religion i Oldtidens Skandinavia" [Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia]). It is not intended for play the "low-brow metal" style, but instead I imagine a listener willing to sit down, ideally in solitude, and think for a minute, about the White God and our forebears, whether they were Picto-British, Finnish, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Scytho-Slavic, Daco-Thrakian or whatever, and about their magnificent, intelligent, positive, beautiful, healthy and strong culture. I try to help You create an image of this with the help of Your own mind, by offering a few clues and guidelines. The album is political only in the way that it offers an alternative to the depravity offered to us by the intrusive popular culture and the commercial entertainment industry - and by modern so-called Black Metal, for that sake......

Wall of ...

... Me !

Drop by the Gallery when you get a second , in the next few weeks !! I got me a whole wall of originals to peek at !! ... If you happen to be in the hood with nothing better to do , that is !!

Plog ya later ... Am still not done running for the day !!

Tats tomorrow ... Wonder what it is I'm working on !! Let's find out tomorrow ! Laterz !


If you dont have this id bite. Youve probably enjoyed prowler at some point, so its only necessary you check this album out as well.

Sunday at the office !

Yesterday's doings !!

The toy customizer got finished !!! Well ... A few touch-ups in a month but the surface got filled !! Toy creations from beyond and intricate customized contraptions is her business ... And I'm guessing business is good !! We did the toys and the little things here and there !! Not the best shots quite yet of this sweet half sleeve but hey , you get the idea !! Here it is >>>>

Good shots in a month !!

+++ Now if you excuse me ... I got to do my drummer push-ups !! Cuz tonight is band practice night at the pub !! That's right !! Black Sabbath , Pentagram and Iron Maiden couldn't make it tonight , but they all had sex and are proud to announce the birth of their four-headed love child ......... Us !!!!!!!


Flying Jacob !

Is what this is ...

Just a slice of life ... An extra post in my healthy foods collection !!

Ok ... Tats in a sec ...

Guns and horses !

Tattoo time !!

Here's the last two day's doings ... For your viewing pleasures !!

This week was Scots week and from the land of kilted men and deep fried everything , my customers of the day came down and suffered under my evil needle device of pain for some sweet sweet colour action !!! First the statue in the park needed some brightness and some ... Pink of course !! Have a look at Thursday's work ! An almost finished piece by the end of the day >>>>>>

Rock !! One last shot in a few months and this piece is done !! Will it be in Hong Kong , in Copenhagen this Summer or maybe even up in the Highlands ??

Friday was "Evacuated Paris day" !! Colours more colours !!! Not as good shots of this piece and a bit bloody too , but who was I to say anything about him drinking the night before ... Being the one who served him the beers !! So ... You get the idea ! One last shot for this one too !! A bit more colours here and there , a sky and a bit of extra contrast too !!! Have a look >>>>>>

Double wammo !!

More tat-a-action reaction tomorrow !! The toy making girl in the red room gets done !!! How exciting !

Stay fresh out there and if you're ever up in Scotland ... Apparently they'd deep fry anything you bring them up there so ... Try something fun ... Like a kitten or something !!! Send me a picture of the done deed and I'll send ya some free prints !!!! For realz !


Friday, November 13, 2009

well it looks like Darios enjoying college....

Taken from (Darios blog of much lesser importance to BYM) now in direct quotes / High Definition Surround Sound.

So I know no one reads this obviously, but If I do not vent my emotions in some form there will be a double homicide-suicide in my college apartment. I would like to start out by addressing this post's purpose. My roommates literally make my skin crawl. At this point in the semester, merely sitting down in the same room with them, makes my blood curdle. I literally have to clench my jaw when conversing with these SHIT FUCKING BEAKS, so I don't fucking snap and murder my apartment complex. Let me repeat, SHIT FUCKING BEAKS.

I cannot wait until you move out next semester you FUCKS. YOU. FUCKS.

No, I do not want to watch varsity blues, so you can reminisce your pathetic fucking days of high school football, YOU FUCKING LOSER. YOU. FUCKING. LOSER. No, do NOT start meaningless arguments and debates over unnecessary issues for the sake of debating. I do not want to hear your absolutely meaningless fucking arguments. While I am watching The Big Lebowski, (which is literally one of the few and rare fucking things that sheds the most minuscule fragments of light, in my seemingly AWFUL existence here at college)do not start arguments including, but not limited to, "I don't know, this movie isn't that good" or, "There's really no point to this scene". Listen you cock sucking waste of fucking human, do not speak ill of The Big Lebowski. Secondly do not speak ill of Seinfeld while I am watching my season DVD's. You have the worst taste in cinema and television, you sophist.

Do NOT tell me to turn off Black Sabbath when I am studying. Do NOT blast breaking benjamin or whatever fucking rubbish you insist on putting on my bose speakers to the point of nearly blowing them out.

Stop bringing around you're shitty fucking girlfriend, whom you treat like a rented camel in a 600 mile caravan. You deserve to DIE ALONE, and if there is any justice in this world (which I'm fairly fucking sure there isn't) you will.

No one cares about how much of a bad ass you are because you constantly flaunt that you were charged with three misdemeanors, but were dropped to citations. YOU ARE NOT COOL, NO. NO. NO. YOU FUCKING SUCK. Stop flaunting about your drinking capabilities when I am graciously allowing you to socially interact with me. IE., Us drinking the same amount of alcohol, and at the end of the night while I am trying to sleep, you PISS in the corner of our wretched shared room. I'm not even going to think about this, because I don't want to get angry. I don't care about how many friends you've lost to cocaine, or how you've been to rehab for cocaine. HEY BUDDY, try SELF-CONTROL out, it fucking rules. You've broken our front door because you are an alcoholic and continually fight with your god-awful girlfriend (side story: he punched out his windshield, while his girlfriend was kind enough to drive his drunk ass home from a party, because he didn't want to leave..[I know this doesn't affect me, but holy shit it's fucking hilarious]).

I can literally not wait until I don't have to see your devilish fucking head. You are single-handedly driving me into a reclusive, self-loathing state, you vermin.

As for the other roommate. Listen dude I hate you. Do you know what it's like to say hi to someone in the morning when they wake up, and them not respond to you. Now imagine doing that to someone (REPEATEDLY, MIND YOU) that you fucking loathe. Hey buddy, I don't want to say hi to you, but I am a decent fucking human being. YOU JUST SUCK. Go back to Mooseballs, PA where you're from and just fucking exist out of my sight. Watching you interact while you're high, drives me up a fucking wall. I could drive a cement truck through an active playground.

The only thing I have left to look forward to at this point in my life is fucking DYING. And you two COMPLETE FUCKING DICKS, are the sole reason of my fucking misery. Congratulations.

Love your roomate

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th ...


The day to remember the 37,466,904 casualties of the great war , and of all the other casualties of every other war since then !

Less serious and more mindless doodles in the days to come ... I promise !

Another year older...

So today marks our 1-year anniversary.
Thanks to the handful of you who support us, leave feedback, threaten us to take links down, and just visit the site in general.
Here's to another year of shitty music, awkward humor, and Dirty Work quotes in the chat box.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Russian Circles- Geneva (2009)

"Wah wah wah this album isn't as good as the blah blah wah wah I'm a huge faggot."


20 years ago , tonight ...

... Europe was reunited !

After months of mass pressure from all over the Eastern block , from Warsaw to Budapest and Prague , the Soviet union inevitably collapsed and it's greatest symbol crashed with it on the night of the 9th till the 10th of November 1989 ! The 28 year long reign of division through Germany was over and the people of Berlin , Germany , Europe reunited ! It's not all good and magical and many lessons have not been learned by the winning side ! Many questions are still being asked today about how the adaptation and how the entire process up to this day has actually benefitted the country , the continent ! Of course , anyone can argue that individuals basic freedoms have no price but what about the social cost ! Is capitalism really the best opposite ? In the light of recent economical events , has it all served us much much better ? Are all aspects of Socialism so very evil ? I guess , like with all other relationships , time will make us accept our past and let us forgive and forget enough to be able to one day build our future and be able to pick and choose what's good and what's bad regardless of where the idea originally came from ! But whatever your opinion , I like to think that anyone can be happy about one less wall in this world !

Here are a few references , for your history refreshing session of the day ...

1962 view from the west/The beginning years ...

1989 the fall/Recap !

Today ... Walk through Anthony Suau's pictures of the day !!

Here's an awesome series of before after shots from the good people at the NYT !

And here's another good series of shots , also from the NYT's special !

Here's the wiki version of it all and here's the where and how !

A very happy 20th anniversary of no wall day to all my German friends out there !!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Everybody should have been an astronaut !!

... Word !

And finally ... Here's the final part of this breathtaking saga !! Aka Part three - Aka , today's doings !!

A new addition to my ever so wonderful collection of "One shots" ! Straight down from the Swedish Capital , Mr.Saku came down for a forearm piece ... His kids in space !! Why not , right ! Here's how it all happened at the shop today !

You know the drill >>> Red for me ... B B Black for Mr.Saku !

and 4 and a half hours later ... The finished produce of a hard day's work !! Congrats !!

So pretty colours !!

Hope you enjoyed this tattoo triple trip through time and space itself !! Now if you don't mind ... My bed is screaming my name and who am I to refuse its attention !!

More tattoo madness tomorrow !! Checka checka check it out tomorrow yo !! Until then ... Good night to all !

ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz z z z z z

Thunder island !

Part two >>>> Aka , Yesterday at the office !!

Done and done !! Of course ... These aren't the best shots of this piece and you might have to wait about 6 months to get to see how good it really looks !! But hey , here's a quick look ... Just so you can get an idea !

Jungle madness !!!

Stay tuned for ... Part three in just a sec >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!

Space skanking !

Well hello again , you guys !!

I promise I won't rant about how busy I've been lately !! Promise !! However , I will say this >>>> Run under a door frame or a sturdy table and stay away from windows cuz .... Here's a triple trouble tattoo avalanche of tattooness !!! True that !

Part one >>>> Aka , last Thursday at the office !!

This here space skank came back for some super colour !! And 4 and a half hours of just that , is what it got ! Now now ... This is also a cover up , you should know !! Pretty happy about how that turned out too ! Check this out if ya wanna get a before look at this space adventure !! And remember ... I got tricked into this cover up so ... Don't try to trick me again out there , just won't work !! I don't do cover ups anymore !!!! And like the great man once said - "Trick me once , shame on you ! Trick me twice ... You can't trick me twice !!"

Awesome colour !!! And yes ! This evil robot commanding hottie is obviously from outta town ... I mean , she's green !!!!

Stay tuned for part 2 in just a sec >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ok Ok Ok ...

Been busy !! I know I know ... You might be getting used to hearing it !!

But I got two sweet sweet pieces to Plog , from the last 2 days at the office and well ... No time to Plog 'em !! So ... You'll have to be a bit more patient !! Tonight , perhaps , or maybe tomorrow !! Until then ... Here's a sneak preview !!

Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ?

Rock !!

Also >>>> Here's the question of the day !!

Martin from St Louis ,MO Wrote:

Dear EP.
What , if any , is your favourite dancing style?

Well , Martin ! Thank you for your very good question !
I have to say that as much as I will always love a good foxtrot , I actually , personally prefer more often , a good night of flamenco !!

If you have any questions of your own you'd like to ask me , please send them to and I'll be happy to answer them !!

Later skaters !

Wednesday, November 4, 2009







I previously posted Backchannel, but that simply isn't enough. Top notch punk rock played the way it should be played. Poser free.