Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gypsy Spit- Demo (2010)

I'd like to thank Spense and the guys in Florida's Gypsy Spit for sending us their demo to share with everyone. Its not often we get submissions, let alone ones we really like, but we always encourage them. This is fortunately a submission that I'm very grateful to have received. For all you powerviolence fans who like it a little on the dirtier side, this demo will be right up your alley, too. These 3 songs (4 if you count the AWESOME cover at the end) kick off at lightning speed but transition perfectly into slow sludgy doom riffs within a matter of seconds. Despite the short length of the songs and recording in its entirety, the demo takes the time to cater to the likes of hardcore, doom, and grind advocates alike. Fans of Look Back and Laugh, Siege, Haymaker, and the like please take note. You won't be disappointed.


Deep Sleep- You're Screwed (2006)

This 9-song EP from Baltimore's Deep Sleep is a barrage of raw, spiteful, in your face hardcore punk rock. Drawing some heavy influences from classic 80's SoCal punk bands (a little DESCENDENTS and ADOLESCENTS worship never hurt anyone), while maintaining a healthy dose of originality, Deep Sleep have created a soon to be modern punk rock classic, loaded with enough infectious hooks to keep you singing along from start to finish, yet packing enough punch to knock you straight on your ass at the same time.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hot stuff !!

Yep ! It's coming alright !! Summer is starting to creep up on this megalopolis ... Slowly ... Slowly ! But already , the air has doubled in thickness , the humidity is hard to believe ! The walls sweat and the alleys are starting to stink a bit more than usual !! "It's only the beginning" my friends tell me !! I've seen Summers in China before but never this far south !! Wish me luck , it sounds like the Summers here are pretty intense ! I now realize I've always been here in Hong Kong during Winter , the past few years !!

My new best friend , I fear , will have to be my ever so eco-non friendly AC !! Until raining season comes around during the real Summer !! I'm afraid there's a serious risk of me just melting !! That one day , this fine Summer , my doorman might come up to my flat , worried from not having had a "morning" afternoon chat with me for a few days , and might find nothing more than a puddle at my desk ! A puddle of me !!

Hoping of course that this is a worst case scenario , I'll still keep my fingers crossed !

Still working on merch and new paintings for the gallery !! But will be back on book making duties as soon as next week !! Yep ... The same damn book !!! It's the final round though so ... Good news about that should be Plogged very soon !!

Stay awesome !

Friday, February 26, 2010



Debut album from these stoner rock pioneers. A 1971 review of this record was the first documented use of the term "heavy metal." Not that it matters.


___>: ERROR< !

Quick hello from the fish market ... (as in for your aquarium , not for your frying pan)

(Sensia 400)

Just wanted to shoot a quick line to all of whom might have written me in the last 24 hours ! My inbox has randomly decided , in an outburst of mental despair , a probable cry for help , to eliminate all of the 33 day's messages before my eyes !! Still can't work out exactly what happened since it has never happened quite like this before but it has indeed , I now accept , just happened !! Barely had the time to see a few [subjects] and notice that most of them where actually real e-mails and not the always awaited "manliness enhancement best kept secret drug" mails or "I loving you. Please must visit me at" mails or even the always very interesting "I am manager of Nigeria bank of the whole world and beyond and have a Bagazillion Euros for you. Please give me your bank info" ones !! So ... If you happen to be one of those who has written to me in the last 24 hours (the real mail one's only , please)... Please write back to me ! My inbox is sorry ... She won't admit it just yet but she eventually will !

Thanks for the time !

More , slightly interesting Ploggings to come !!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Agitator- Enter Vice Lords preorders up!

Only 100 on translucent red. Gonna go fast so get on the trolley.
If you liked the demo, this is bound to beat your small ass dick into the dirt.
If you didn't hear it yet, grab it below.
New chauncey's only 5 bucks, so don't be a deadbeat posing faggot.


DL 2009 demo

Agoraphobic Nosebleed- Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope (2002)

Scott Hull (Pig Destroyer) and company take drum machine-driven grindcore to a new and disgusting level on their 2002 critically acclaimed release. Blast beats at breakneck speeds complimented by Hull's signature riffage that will make any self-respecting heavy music lover want to put the world's head in an oven.




Although Woody Allen has been using jazz from the '20s and '30s on his soundtracks since Sleeper, Sweet and Lowdown is his first movie featuring the musicians of the period. The story is about Emmett Ray, who is a brilliant guitarist but is always being unfavorably compared to Django Reinhardt. Allen hired the guitarist Howard Alden and the Dick Hyman Group to play the music of Ray and his band, and they have done an excellent job of recreating the small band swing of the '30s. Alden has assimilated the music of such guitarists as Eddie Lang, Karl Kress, and Django to create a guitar style that is unique yet also sounds thoroughly authentic. He is the Zelig of guitar players. This music has all of the excitement of '30s jazz with none of the stodginess that sometimes plagues other jazz revivalists. --Michael Simmons

One of my favorite movies. Check it out if you haven't already. Sean Penn always pulls it off. Fans of jazz, swing, Woody, Penn, shooting rats, and watching trains will enjoy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Rare 7" from San Francisco's enigmatically named Wooden Shjips; who play a minimal, droning brand of garage-styled psychedelia with a noticeable '60s Krautrock influence. The band's vocals slip beneath waves of throbbing minimal rhythms, while fuzz tone guitar and shrieking organs jump to the foreground. Obviously featuring a Neil Young cover. Doesn't get more psychedelic than this.




Under the highway !

Not much to declare today , ladies and gentlemen !!

Locked myself in all day to paint and ... Well ... It doesn't always work ! So ... A big long day of not much to plog about today !! Perhaps more tomorrow , I hope !!

In other more productive news however , it looks like the new Tätowier Magazin (from Germany) has just dropped and it looks like there might be a sweet article on myself in it too !! Some of my latest pictures and lots of German words , written one after the other all over the pages , hopefully saying good things about me !

Pick it up if you've got access to such literature and let me know what it looks like !!

Plog ya tomorrow !! Until then , here's a question sent to me by Henrich Von Toplerfelt from Utrecht in the Netherlands :

Dear Electric .
What , in your opinion , would you say is the most awesomest winter olympic sport ever ?

Well thank you for the question , Henrich ! It is a very good one indeed ! However I would have to say none of the above since not only am I dreadfully not interested in the said event but also , to my personal knowledge , Winter Olympics aren't even real Olympics now are they !

As usual , please send any questions to : and I'll be more than happy to answer them !

Later !

Sunday, February 21, 2010



After nearly seven years and numerous mind-bending demos, eps and splits, and a litany of tours criss-crossing the United States and Europe, Richmond, Virginia’s best kept secret THE CATALYST offer up their first full length album, "Swallow Your Teeth", a noisy, mathy, spacey, heavy, feedback-soaked behemoth of sonic destruction. Still channeling a wide range of hardcore, punk, grunge, noise rock, and sludge influences and not afraid to show their love for NIRVANA, FUGAZI, SONIC YOUTH, THE JESUS LIZARD, BORN AGAINST and most of the AMPHETAMINE REPTILE back catalog, "Swallow Your Teeth" displays the band’s creative prowess and power fully matured and realized.

Swallow Your Teeth was recorded and mixed in May 2009 by Steve Roche (Off Minor) and mastered by Carl Saff (Young Widows). Painter and friend Raymond Klecker, who did the artwork for the band’s Marianas Trench EP, created cover artwork for the album.

1. I Hate The Future (3:36)
2. Lars Ulrich's 1986 Funeral (2:18)
3. Assholier Than Thou (2:31)
4. Incidental Music (2:02)
5. Small Town Big Mouth (2:13)
6. Werewolves of Washington (6:40)
7. Japanese Maple (2:37)
8. Sterling is a Hole (2:41)
9. 42012 (4:40)
10. Too Big To Fail (3:19)
11. A Goodbye From The Catalyst, You Dog (5:33)


Some red ...

For all of you tattoo lovers out there ... Here's an update for ya ! Just so you know !! Have personally been pushing back a lot of work for the last few months , to my greatest pleasure ! However did have a few shots planned for February but they just didn't work out ! Changing tattoo spots made it difficult to plan some of them who will sadly have to wait a few more weeks and one of my other sure shots got grounded on his ship (the USS Nimitz) so ... Looks like I won't have any tattoo work to show you guys in February after all !! Fear not , however , Plog tattoo lovers ! March looks like a much better month for you !! Got a few solidly planned and a great new spot to do them in !!! More news on that as soon as I have it !!

Just wanted to keep you in the know about it all and let you know that I hadn't quit the said trade just yet !!

Plog you some more soon soon !!

Shades of grey !

Winter harbour shots !

more news tonight ... Just wanted to say hi !

Friday, February 19, 2010


New song posted up on their myspace. Definitely looking forward to seeing them at UB. The new track is next level. Stay tuned for the release in march.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Top round !

Just a quick scan from the sketchbook !

More tomorrow !!

Stay awesome yall !

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shark Attack- Discography (2002)

The proper discog release containing the notorious out-of-print "Blood in the Water" 7 inch on lead singer Matt Summers' My War records, a live set from CBGB's, and 4 tracks that were recorded for the full length that unfortunately never was.
Some of you folks might not remember this band. If you're into the ferocity of Negative Approach and Antidote plus the hardness of early AF and Cro-Mags, look no further. If you live in the general Philadelphia region(and probably most surrounding areas in the northeastern United States) and are close to my age or even a few years younger, chances are you've heard all about them already and were probably lucky enough to see them play. They reformed on a few occasions for reunion shows for benefit purposes but other than that, this is just another closed chapter on another cult classic that blacked out way before its time.


High On Fire - Snakes For The Divine

Only a few tracks in so far into the newest release from High On Fire, and I can tell you that this album is fucking STUPID good. Enjoy! We'll probably be listening to it at the same time.


Recorded in the rural woods of New Jersey. Inspired by the Brocken witchcraft legends, as well as the tales of witch trials in the area around the Harz Mountains in Germany.


(CNN) -- The two latest fires in a string of church blazes in east Texas have been ruled arson, bringing the total of deliberately-set fires to 10, authorities said Thursday.

Fires destroyed Dover Baptist Church and Clear Spring Missionary Baptist Church on Monday night. The churches are located about three miles apart near Tyler, Texas.

There have been a total of 11 church fires so far this year, said Tom Crowley, special agent from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' Dallas, Texas, office. One has not been ruled arson.

Included in that total is a January church arson in Temple, Texas. Authorities are not sure whether the Temple fire is related to the other nine, which have been concentrated in an area east of Dallas, more than 150 miles from Temple.

There is no clear theme linking the fires, which have struck churches of different denominations, including Baptist, Methodist and Church of Christ Scientist, on different days of the week and at different times of the day, Crowley has said. While the churches are located in small towns, not all of them are in remote locations, he told CNN.

Authorities believe one person, or perhaps a group of people, are responsible, he said. Crowley told CNN Thursday investigators were still tracking down leads.

"we think its either one person., or more than one person"


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More corners !!

Just another page ...

Got to love them rounded corner buildings !!

This is my quick version of a corner around Kwun Tong in east Kowloon ! The busy life ... Pretty much everywhere in this city !! It all goes quiet only for 2 or 3 days a year ... For the Chinese new year , which is now ! It's nice to take a quick break for a few days from all the hustle and bustle this city knows best ! But then again , that's why I'm here ... And today's day 3 and I'm hoping it gets back to normal tomorrow !!!

More soon !! And thanks for dropping me a few lines on this last piece !!!!

Take it light !


Done !! Finally got this one all wrapped up and finished !! Bigger than I usually do them and also mostly painted too (usually these pieces are a lot more illustrated) Huh ! A few firsts , or not really firsts but a few rarities , let's say !! This bubba's 29.5cm wide and 50.5cm high and is ... Up to now ... I truly believe ... My new bestest favouritest one !!!

Let me know what you guys think !! Love to get everyone's opinion on this one !!

Rock !!! More to come but until then ... I'll just be doodling , planing my new secret merch endeavour which I sadly doubt will be T-shirts this time around and be waiting here for the Nimitz !

Later e-skaters !!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


To all my friends from Beijing to Hong Kong , through Shanghai , Seoul and Busan ... A very happy new year !!

To celebrate ... Here's a finished doodle (finally managed to finish one) ! Right now it's just a nice piece but it'll become much more than that in the days to come !! You just wait and see !! Don't know if I'll actually send this one to the gallery in Copenhagen or if it'll find a home here in HK but it's getting framed , that's for sure !!

Stay tuned for more finished doodles very very soon !!

Until then and once again , Happy new year !! If however , you are one of these people who happen to not actually be in Asia at the moment ... Here's a little something to help you get in the mood and celebrate !! Thank me later !!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Samples from the new BURZUM

alot better than I expected. alot less synth which i feel it could use but i may be wrong seeing as these are only clips. excellent though

Productiviting ...

... Is always nice !!

Locked myself in today and just went crazy painting mad till just about a minute ago !! Got nothing finished , of course , but did get a bunch of new big pieces started ! Another paint crazy day tomorrow and some stuff should start showing up !! I promise !!
It's the best thing in the world , let me tell ya !! I mean , it doesn't always work the way you want to but when it does ... Chilling at home alone painting all day is the best thing I know !! Take a little break for a quick coffee , another break for some street food ... Then back up and back to work ! Pulling out weird new shit as it comes !! As you can tell from my day's satisfaction ... I have very high expectations for these pieces and will be posting as soon as a few are done !!

Who knows where they'll end up ... ?? At the gallery in Copenhagen , as a print perhaps maybe even on a shirt !! I'll let you know when I know !!

Yes , it's true !! My wallpaper at home is delicious !! How lucky am I !!

Stay tuned for some sweet Plogging tomorrow !! Also , more news about my new secret Merch idea in the days to come !!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fat Joe- Jealous Ones Envy (1995)

The classic in all its glory for the few slackers that ain't wise.
Further proof that hip hop will never be as good as the mid 90's ever again.

Total devastation for any MC that poses.


Oh and for everyone in the greater Philly area that's still snowed in and looking for something to do, you're welcome.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ninja strike ... In 3D !!

Yesterday's foggy harbour !

Yesterday night's reclamation ...

Keep an eye open for this lethal little 3D dude !! Can pretty much nunchuck anyone's ass back to 2D-land and seems to be on a one man mission to do just that !!!

Stay ready !!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

City doodles ...

Don't ask !! Just another page in the sketchbook !! Between bigger pieces being finished and a lot of picture taking ... Boy oh boy do have something sweet coming this way soon !! I won't say much more but you'll probably know all about this little new merch project in the week to come !!

Today ... Awesome picture day !!!

partyboobytrap - "entrapment"

This is an album my friend and I worked on for about 9 months last year. It came out on January 14th 2009 on our little net label Fameless Fam. The beats were made in Brooklyn last summer and the live drums and vocals were recorded in Boston and New Hampshire in fall and winter 2009. We really just wanted to bring something new to the table for hip-hop, considering the future and the past of it. Here's to a new decade of beats, rhymes, and whatever is in between that draws us to that form. Thanks for checking it out.

^^^Before downloading choose your fav of five different album covers that our friends made.

For more information check out:


Apparently we're about to get snowed in again. Grab some snacks, brew some hot beverages, and get cozy. While you're at it, take a listen to this gem from Mr. Adams. For some reason, I slept on this last collaboration with the man and his Cardinals and I've been kicking myself for the last few weeks now. This album blows his last few way, way out of the water. Once again Ryan uses his superb songwriting skills and wordsmith talents to paint real-life portraits and melt your heart. I tip my hat to you, sir. Well played.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Market town !

Here's a few shots from a few weeks ago !! Hong Kong in pink !! This is mostly shot in the West Jordan fruit market in Kowloon and with a SENSIA 100/Cross processed which as you can inevitably notice makes everything look kind of pink !! Yep ... True story ! So here's a photo Plog , all in pink , for your viewing pleasures , of more of my hood on my side of town ... Enjoy and expect some sweet doodles very soon !! Got some big ones coming !! Including a hella-awesome little merch project for the days to come !!

Last two shots are from my flat !! A view from my kitchen that I do indeed enjoy !! More soon !! Until then ... Stay away from stinky tofu !!