Saturday, October 31, 2009

Before October is over ...

... Here's the best scan I could manage of that last sketchbook piece >>>

Panties saving the day !!

Laterz !

Weekly roundup !

Behold ... All the week's tat-action work ... All in one post ! Unbelievable !! I know ! Hang on to something and get started already !!

More colour was done on the Nansensgade Half sleeve last Thursday ! Never managed to get a decent shot so ... All ya get is this close up of the street !! More on this one in just about a month !!

Dirty olive greens love pink !!! They do they do !!


Next in line ... Last Friday was background colour time on this little one !! All the background got managed in the very minimum 2 hours I impose my good clients for a session !! What a relief !

Pink delight ! Next and final session on this sweet one in just about a month too !!


And finally , today's tat-a-rama-action at the office , the March of the Tripods ... Invaders reap havoc on our unsuspecting world !! No one would have believed ... How will this all end !!! Find out in December for this half sleeve's final round !!!

RUN !!!!

Tomorrow ??? .... Finally some quality doodle time ! Check back for some painted pretty princesses and doodled dirty dolls !! If you're into that sort of thing , that is !!

+For all the Denmarkians out there ... A very happy hang over day !
+For all the NAmericans out there ... A specially spooky halloween !

Stay street !

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More flyings !

All in a day's work !

I have no idea how but I'll try to scan this one for you guys when I get a second !

Tomorrow's a day at the office ... Let's see what I come up with then !


Well its confirmed. After all the shit this band has gone through, they will be making a comeback. Best of news, now they have to do a US tour.

RIP Vitek.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Flying birds !

Finally some sketchbook action !!

It had been a while ... A while indeed !

It's very nice of her homie to give her a lift to the other side of town , but sometimes ... He just goes way too fast !!

More soon ! Just wanted to post this one quick before you people started to think that I had maybe forgotten how to doodle !

Stay fresh !!

P.s. Knitting is the new baking !! All the cool chicks are doing it !! More illustrated proof of this phenomenon soon !!

HAVE A NICE LIFE - Voids (2009)

A collection of B sides and rarities that didnt make it to Deathconscious. Supposedly there might be a tour this fall with ALCEST. Which would probably be my show of the year. Crossing my fingers on this. Been waiting for new HANL material for a while now....and this sorta does the trick.

Half Trooper !

Almost forgot all about this one !! And since I've been under-Plogging lately ... Thought you might not mind if I double Plogged today !

Last Saturday was a day at the office ... The office of pain !!

Homie's getting soft ! Came down from "Denmark" (Jylandland) and got his forearm started ! Was supposed to be a "one shot" but then again ... Sometimes it doesn't go as planned ! No panic No panic !!! We'll just finish it next time , broseph !! But yeah ... After tattoos of hot skanks and evil evil skulls ... Homie's getting soft ! This the new one and right smack on the forearm !! Hope his folks like this one ! Here's what it all looks like >>>>> It's been a while since I started a new one so ... I'll explain :

Red for me .... Black for him !

3 and a half hours work later ...

Think we decided on the girl having a red dress !! Makes sense to me !

I really tried everything to not have a little girl there but rather some hot Heidi skank chick ... Ya know !? But Nooooooo ... He just wouldn't listen !! So here ya have it !

More tomorrow !!

Happy Plogiversary !!

That's right , ladies and gentlemen ... Last Sunday was this here Plog's 2 year Plogiversary !!

An old unfinished sketch got cleaned up for the occasion !!

It's not easy playing the trumpet in space !!

Started doodling again today ! It had been a while ! So much to do and way to much to tattoo !! But it looks like I'm back at the desk and started to push them out again !! Hurra !

More stuff very soon ... As I am , you should know , fully aware of the Plog-delays of the last few days !!

However , also in the week's news >>>>> Make sure you check the new shop's homie , the new coconspirator , the Eckel man's own very own blog !! It was in the Conspiracy inc.'s work contract you know !! Yep ... At the bottom ... Next to the accidents non-responsibility claim !! Ya wanna work with us , you gotta get your self one of them blogs ! True story !! It took a while to get him started but now ... watch out !!! He's addicted !! Check it out and let him know what you think !!! Really beautiful stuff he comes up with !!!

Stay safe and happy Plogiversary !!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dissucks- two 7 inches

Crusty Philly punk rock that's long since been RIP.
Contains the Room With a View of a World of Shit EP and the S/T EP.
If you don't remember this band, do yourself a favor and get caught up.


Jesu- Opiate Sun (2009)

No this doesn't sound like that shitburger Infinity, this is the JKB we all remember, and hoped didn't go anywhere.

Best material in a while.

And yes its a V0 rip.


Friday, October 23, 2009

LIFE OF AGONY - River Runs Red

Surprised this isn't on here already. Another post Im sure most of you have. My gym friend has been on my ass for months to post this since i introduced it to him, so i guess i finally remembered. Plus he needs lifting music because he definitely needs motivation to not be a tiny fuck.

Honk Kong calling

News of the day >>>>>

Readers of this fine Plog , it's now official , I am moving to the far east , to the great island lands of Hong Kong ! True story !

Now now ... Wait a minute , let me explain >>>

Leaving for 6 months ! Been in serious need of a Scandinavian break for a while now and all this settling down thing that might comfort some , definitely doesn't satisfy me ! At least still not yet ! So much to see ... So much out there ! Have been here "steady" in Copenhagen for 3 years now and that's the longest I've been anywhere ! Started to itch ... So yeah ... I had been dreaming of one day leaving for the fair shores of China for a while ... And as much as I will dearly miss my dear Copenhagen friends ... Now is the time !!

Before you get all excited , here are the facts:

I'm only leaving for 6 months so it's not the end of the world !! Just need a good geographic break ! I will indeed come back to Denmark after this little break ! Will in no way give up my tattoo home of the Conspiracy inc. ! The waiting list for all non started pieces stays the same and will start contacting people for new spots as soon as I plan my return in early July 2010 ! Also , all unfinished pieces will be finished before I leave !! I have more than enough time to finish existing pieces and even fit in a few "one shots" before I'm out ! I will still have a portfolio at the Conspiracy and you can still apply for the waiting list while I'm gone ! So yes I am coming back and 6 months is long enough for me and not that long till I'm back !

So there ya have it ... News of the day !

Please direct all hate mail to :

For all questions and/or concerns about unfinished pieces :

For all requests to go have a few pints before I leave :

For all other maters :

More news soon !!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pixie cake !

G'day g'day !

Today was a tattoo day at the office , however , the day's work was impossible to take a picture of !! Impossible I tell ya ! So you'll just have to imagine a cool tattoo here >>>>>

Beautiful !!

In other news , however ... Here's my birthday present to myself this year ! I got this little marvel in San Diego , a few months ago at the Comicon and just got it back from the frame wizard yesterday !! Found this sweet sweet frame at his shop , behind a pile and it was just screaming "I WAS BORN TO FRAME THIS PIECE" So ... Yeah ... Who was I to dispute this desire !!!

Magical !!!! Am now not only a fan of the said Mr. Wood but also an official collector !! Will have to wear a bow tie from now on ! Don't laugh when you see me !

More exciting news ... Maybe tomorrow ... Maybe tonight ! Until then ... Stay cool !

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Next stop, NYC.

2009 National League Champions.
Congrats, boys.

Here's hoping we'll see each other on Broad Street again in two weeks.

- 31 -

No worries mates ... All is good in Nick world !!

Thoughts have cleared and the pondering time is over (at least the unhealthy too much thinking part) !! Thanks for all your kind words , but you should know ... It wasn't that bad , ya know ! Just a bit under the weather for the last week or so !! Have , yet again , been confronted with the indisputable fact that I am still no master in the art of understanding the complexity of human relations , have yet to find a comfortable and acceptable scenario for my "natural" "human" need to geographically settle Vs my , as imposing need to do anything but , have yet to have found any true answer on the complex relationship I so inevitably share with time itself and finally have still not found a way to control the weather ... True story , however , all is good and feels much better today ! Should be perfectly fine till my next birthday , perhaps !

Here's the week's grand master plan ...

3 tattoo days this week so keep an eye open !

Doodles should slowly start to pop up soon again !

News tomorrow !!

P.s. A good friend of mine (big bird) once told me , that the best way to find out things ... Is to ask questions !! He also told me , that services could be exchanged for money ... No ... Wait , that was another bird !


BLITZ - The Complete Singles Collection

Probably a close rival for my top favorite oi band next to the 4 skins. This compilation is a collection of all their best hits. Leaves nothing out. crop it tight.


I apologize for the shitty upload site, im at school.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009



Blackened Brazilian death/thrash metal obsessed with necrophilia. Singer, Pussy Ripper, was killed in a motorcycle crash in 1997. Pretty tough.

1. Intro
2. Psychoneurosis
3. Delirium Tremens
4. The Insatiable Pleasure of Delight
5. Seduced By Evil
6. Alcoholic Mosh
7. Obscene Symphony
8. Black Church
9. Night Pigs
10. Genital Tumor

Gregor Samsa- Over Air (2009)

What Dario listens to while passed out high on the couch and not posting.


Gorgoroth - Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt (2009)

Yo, new shits legit. This means Gaahl out, Pest in. Back to when gorgoroth was the shit. Download since its cool again to like them, faggots.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Aaaa ... Prrrt !

Behold >>> My latest masterpiece !

This pretty much what it looks like in my head right now !!

Have had some serious stuff to figure out lately ! It's good once in a while to analyse where you're at and where it's taking ya and shit !! Re-brief the master plan ... Ya know !? Don't know if it's a case of Winter blues/confusion ... A bad case of it's my birthday tomorrow and time flies or maybe I just need some change ?? But yeah ! Apart from some tattoo action ... Haven't had it in me to doodle much lately ! I've chosen Wednesday as a deadline to have my shit figured out and my mind set ! So the last week of forced time out has been good and I should be back on track in the days to come !!

And now ... A good night is in order ! Am off to the pub where a few mates are waiting and after closing time , the Wii comes out and gets hooked up to the projector and the Guinness flows !!! Sounds like a party to me !!! I'll take a few shots of this interactive night for tomorrow's post !

Be well !

Sleep - Live ATP vs the Fans

1. "From Beyond" - 14:21
2. "Proceeds the Weedian, Nazareth" - 4:42
3. "The Druid" - 5:41
4. "Some Grass" - 2:50
5. "Aquarian" - 9:30
6. "Evil Gypsy/ Solomon's Theme" - 8:22
7. "Nain's Baptism" - 3:21
8. "Cultivator" - 8:05
9. "Inside the Sun" - 7:48
10. "Holy Mountain" - 10:54
11. "Dragonaut" - 7:09
12. "Antarticans Thawed" - 12:56

The set that everyone wanted to be at, but missed this year. The show took place on 5-10-2009 at Butlins Holiday Resort in Minehead, England. The sound quality on this recording is surprisingly good for a live album.

Beware, the file is pretty large so it may take a minute or so to finish.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Some stuff everyone should have, and some stuff for people who want the whole discog. This is all i will be listening to until november first.

BOX SET DISK 1,2, and 3

Frank Turner: Poetry of the deed

Havent listened to this cd a whole lot yet but from what i heard so far im into it. some songs are a little different, a little louder. Im not sure if mike if going to get an email for this one so get it while you can.


Ratz !

More more and more tattoo action !!

Today's session was with the music lab half sleeve !! Colour was in order and after 3 hours we pretty much almost finished the outer part of the piece !! Musical monsters being tortured for sound !! There's no other way , really !! Trust me ! I wish we could just play an instrument and that the sound it makes would be enough !! I really would ! But sadly ... This is how it truly works ! A sad reminder of mankind's cruelty !! Here's what that all looked like when we got done with the day's session >>>>>>

Marvelous !!!

And yes ... I went a little "liner crazy" with the reflections on the lab dudes glass suit thing and the jars in the back too ! Pretty sweet , if ya ask me !! Anywho ... A good session left in the armpit and then ... I guess a few touch-ups here and there and we're done done !!

Rock !!

Tomorrow ... ? Nothing ! Enough of this tattoo madness ! I'm taking a few days off if ya don't mind !!

Laters skaters !

In the court of the carrot king !

Today's delicious eatable diorama of the time when the carrot king had a chat with some rabbits !! Uncomfortable situation , if ya ask me !! But enough about the wonderful cake we got at the shop today and more about what we did !!

Today was time to squeeze in some sweet colour in that girl's workshop/room sleeve piece and that's just what happened !! 3 and a half hours of just that !! Oh and yeah ... We went with red !! Here's what it looks like now !!!

She should go out and play instead of staying in , if ya ask me !! Not too healthy to spend full days indoors like that !!

More tat-a-rockin' action tomorrow !! True story !!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

DANZIG - II Lucifuge

An album I'm sure everyone has in their possession already. Yet I figured Id keep with the seasonal posts Johnny started. If you don't have this you're handicapped, hit download.

Om - God is Good

1. "Thebes" – 19:09
2. "Meditation is the Practice of Death" – 6:52
3. "Cremation Ghat I" – 3:12
4. "Cremation Ghat II" – 4:58

Om's fourth studio album and first with Grails drummer Emil Amos. 'God Is Good' may be penciled in by fans as their least favorite album, but it still delivers and translates well in their live performance. Consider 'Pilgrimige' the foreshadowing for what Om puts forth in this album, with maturity and experimentation included.

Is it a bird ... ?

From the office , today ...

Today was a Red Baron day ! We done it all ! Apart from a final touch-up session in about a month or so ... We done it all !! In about 2 and a half hours , none the less !! Been getting faster and faster lately and well ... With the bills I have , it's not a good thing ! But worry not , fateful customers ... It is actually impossible for me to purposefully go slower ! So ... I'll have to book in some more people soon ! Probably on the next 25th when I open December and January for new spots !! Anyways ... Getting sidetracked here !! Here's the Red Baron in action >>>>>>

Forgive the bloody shot , you know how it works !! Better pictures after the touch-up session !!

More tattoo action tomorrow !!

LOAD - Lumberjack Death Luge

So yeah. The lyrical content of this record consist of matters dealing with wrestling, wrestling lifestyles and overall brutality. Im posting this in preparation for Tourney of Death, which is the only thing ill probably thinking about for the next week.