Good & bad news ...

Well ... The bad news is ... (it's always better when you tell the bad news first) ... That I completely missed , for the first time in the last 3 years , the ever so wonderful best show on Earth ... The San Diego Comicon ! Don't laugh !! It makes me very sad ... I've been going for the last few times and I just couldn't make it this weekend ! And as anyone who ever made it there would tell you , it's the best show on Earth (for those of you who like cool stuff that is) I find myself very sad missing out on my yearly geek-o-thon convention !!

The good news however , is that I also missed this year's love parade !! Not that I ever went or would ever go to such an event (Ever !!) but the inevitable fact that I wasn't there this year in particular is even more good news for me !!

On these words of wisdom ... Good night and I'll hopefully have something a bit more entertaining to Plog about tomorrow !!

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